All posts by craigedson

Legacy the conclusion

“Captains log, after a siege by the zombie klingons the crew of the enterprise with the help of staf physision Dr. Megen shal was able to subdue the zombies at least temporily . lt. Mares bolt has decided to take the ship out to regroup and from a New plan.”captain Ben Norris said.
“While on the Klingon ship, the landing party is struggling against the zombie onslaught. Several have sucombed to the zombie plague including myself. ”
“Some of the klingons seem to be imuned to it. Other Klingon are not. Why this is happening is unclear. ” the captain said.
Dr. Piper had created a magshift labitory. ” I believe I created an ineculent. One not as potent as my earlier attempt. I no longer have a sample. I can only use it on a zombie. I could under do it or seriously over do it. ” Dr. Piper said. “There is only one way we can find out. ” nurse chapel said. “Yes I know.” Dr. Piper said .
“When do we leave?” Christine asked. “No time like the present !”the older doctor said. The nurse agreed.
The two had a sample hypo spray. They had phasers. The phasers were useless against the zombies. The hypospray was potentily the real weapon.
They saw a zombie. It was crewman cornerly. Dr. Piper fired a phaser at it. It was a kind of diversion. The nurse hit him with the hypospray. The zombie started to change. The green started to vanish. Cornerly head started to clear.
“What is going on ?” he asked. ” you were infected by the appears that we may have cured you. ” the doctor said.
“So! I am ok?” cornerly asked. “As far as I know!” piper said.” I am not. So sure I am confident as I would like to be!” the crewman said. ” I wish I could be more confident!” doctor piper said. ” I want honestly. At least I am hear. At least I am not rabid right now!” the crewman said.
“Agreed. ” the doctor said .
“What now?” the crewman said. “We need to spread the inoculate now!” Christine said. “Yes we do. Lets get to it. ” the senior doctor said. They decided to begin the operation.
A zombie horde moved about the corridor. They made a snicker spund as they moved out. They had no strategy no end goal. They only wanted to attack. They were Klingon without wanting glory for the empire.
Dr .piper fired on them. Christine injected the nearest zombie.  Another went for her. She struck a second zombie. Instead of being transformed back to normal they fell to the ground. They turned to salt.
The rest of the horde moved a way. A team of unaffected klingons and a star fleet team attacked the remaining horde. The zombies were subdued.
” what is this?” giito asked .” sir we found a counter agent. Apparently it restores humans but it kills klingons ” Christine said.
“We must eradicate this threat. These are not our brothers. They are gone. ” fortej said.
“You can’t know that for certain.There could stil be s way to save them. ” Dr. Piper said. ” this Is a war like none orther. We cannot let familiarity or nostalgia get in our way. It  is Us or them. ” fortej said. . “we do not have a lot of time. I don’t like it any more then yo do. We have to survive. ” the security chief said. “I know that. ” Dr. Piper said .
Word was gotten to commander mccomic. They got the formula. She went to where the captain was. ” open the door! ” Addison said.the Orion opened the door. Ben started to attack the team. Addison hit him with the syringe. They fought she got him.
Memories started to come back to him. He slowly became himself.he remembered his life. His presents.he remembered his family. His brothers his sisters. He rembered the good and bad times. The wedding of Rebecca and her late husband. The funeral of Jason. Then he saw kalera.  Then he woke up.
” am I ok ?” Norris asked. ” yes sir!” Addison said. She gave him a full report of what had happened up to this point. The good and bad parts.
There was plenty of both.
“It will kill klingons?” ardek asked .”it seams that that is true every indication is that that is true.”Spock said. ” it is some thing I suppose. ”  ardek said.
Dr. Piper met up with noris. ” why the glum face Mark?” captain Norris asked. “Ihav e figure out some of the kligons are unexpected by the zombies. “Dr. Piper said. “I take it it’s not good. ”  Norris said. “No it’s not. They are effected by the zombie virus. They are immune to it but they carry it. ” Dr. Piper said. “It is some kind of immunity simular to what’s happened with outbreak off earth before the twenty second century. ” Norris asked.
“Correct. ” the senior doctor said .”some people develop Imunuty. ” the  nurse said. “So what’s the problem?” the captain asked. ”  they Will never be excepted by the Klingon government. They Will face expulsion. They will be under a stigma. ” Dr. Piper said “I imagine it will follow them whoever they go. They Will be intergalactic periahs. ” Norris said.
“So we cannot go home. Perhaps no where” morpheck said. “I am afraid that is the case. ” Dr. Piper said. ” we serve the empire. It is a dangerous profession. ” he said.
“Are we dangerous to others?”Arjek asked. “I do not believe so?” Dr. Piper asked. ” I see!”morpheck said.  “Captain’s log the landing party working with Klingon survivors has mostly taken over the Klingon ship.we have deactivated the jamming device. The enterprise has arrived.
“I have treated the enterprise personnel except for kolona . I don’t know if it will have the same affect that it does on other Klingon. ” Dr. Piper said. “It could kill her?” Norris asked. “Every information I have says it will. ” Dr. Piper said. “I can’t beleve this! ” the captain said.
” l know what you mean.” Dr. Piper said. “Is there anything we can do for her?” Norris asked. “I don’t know.we  are looking at everything. ” Dr. Piper said.
“Captain’s log the Klingon fleet has located and destroyed the original plague ship. While the medical staff has discovered a new formula that may cure the virus in Klingon. ” Norris said
Sick bay
” hear it is. ” the nurse said. “Could it work?” Norris asked. ” it could. I don’t know. ” the doctor said. ” great!” Norris said. “This is a risk but it may be her only chance. ” Dr. Shal said.
Dr. Piper took out the hypospray . “hear goes nothing!”piper said. The doctor injected kolona .kolona started to change. She woke up. She wore the blue sickbay garb. “What’s going on ?” she asked.
“Captain’s log, the enterprise has randevezed with the Klingon fleet. Kolona is recovering nicely. While the Klingon who survived the attack by the zombies have been treated by the modified cure.they are doing well”
“The mass crises is over but the legacy remains. I suspect that legacy will be with us for some time. There are rumors of other zombie ship out there. We are not certain if it is true or not. ” the captain said.
Quarters of halak
“Hello ” the Orion said. “We read the official report of our brothers death. “Sarah Donaldson said. “The report says that he was killed in the line of duty. What the report does not say that I was forced to fire on him. I do not know if it was the right decision. It was done in the heat of a tense situation. I felt you should know .I wish to offer you deepest apology. ” the Orion said.
Rec room
“So captain you have my deepest gratitude and the gratitude of the chancellor. ” General kord said. “Happy to help. ” Norris said.
“If there is anything I can do please name it!” the general said. “I could really use some sompek salid.” Addison said
“I will have my personal chef whip you up some!” the general said. “I remember you eat Klingon food like it was going out of style when you are pregnant with sarek. I don’t think I have had Klingon food sense we were expecting Hannah. “Ryan said. She laughed. “Wait a minute!” Ryan said.
The end
Universe two
The enterprise attends an admiral banquet at star base 45.
Queter and the one true path plots to abduct an aboriginal group on a planet and moved them to another making them the New preservers.
I considered having kor at the end but decided on kord. Kord appeared in star trek V. He was Played by Charles Cooper.

“Legacy” chapter five (6)

” captains log,the crew of the enterprise in a fight for there lives. On the enterprise Klingon zombies are all over the ship. Wreaking havoc every where they go. They are replicating themselves. Crewmembers are being transformed into zombies. The crew struggle to keep any semblance of control over the ship. ” on the Klingon ship , the landing party struggles to survive. Some falling victim to the firce onslaught.there is a bigger problem”
“I myself sucombed to the zombies. Now my life is in jeopardy. ”
“Put it down !” Addison insisted. “He is not your man any more! You have to kill him. He cannot be saved. His sprit can. You have to destroy him to save him. ” the Klingon said.
“Our people are allies now. I won’t jeopardize my people. Put it down or alience or no I will schoot  you!”Addison said. “Your making a huge mistake. ” the Klingon insisted.
“So are you if you don’t put it down. I may be a female but grethor has np fury like addie scorned!  She said.
The Klingon put the disruptor down. ” secure the captain. Put him in a nearby locker!”Addison ordered. “It won’t be sufficient ” the lead Klingon proclaimed. “You know your pessimism is really starting to get on my nerves. ” Addison said.
“These are pasimetic times. ” the lead Klingon said. “Its always darkest before dawn. The Sun will come out tomorrow!” Addison said. “Are you certain your well enough to leave Elba,” the Orion asked. ” I’m sane enough Hal.” she said. “That is a bit concerning! “Halak said. The closet was sealed. 
The team moved for a while then went to a supply closet. The egress was sealed.  The Orion scanned the klingons. “I find no trace of the zombie virus or whatever it is. ” Halak said. “How is that possible. I am losing my people left and right. “Addison said. “I have lost much of my people.  I am morphek weapons officer. ” he said. “Addison mcomic co first officer u.s.s. enterprise. “She said.
“Why are you hear?” morpheck asked.”we were asked to come as part of the Paris accords. ” Addison asked. “I see. “He said.
“How have you servived?”the Orion asked. “I don’t know. I fear we will not be able to hold them off forever. Our luck will run out!” the gunner said.
“There is little chance of any of us making though alive.”avok said. “I have a little more hope then that. “Addison said. “Stay on this ship long enough and that will change. This is where hope dies and dispair lives. “The weapons officer declared. ” he may be right.what I have seen does not give me much confidence commander.”the Orion said. ” I have plenty of reason to servive. “She said touching her belly. “You are with child? You should not be hear!”avok said. “I did not know. “She said. “I am sorry for you “morpheck said.
Dr. Piper and chepele made it to the infirmary. “This is a poor version of a sick bay. ” he said . “this is a Klingon ship,did you expect other wise?” the nurse asked. “No I did not. This substance is similar to the mass goo. It is different. I have no idea why it has servived.”Dr. Piper said. “It is not inert?”Christine asked. “No it is living well not dead totally. “He said.
“I am going to try something. A science experiment if you will!”Dr. Piper said. “What kind of experiment ?”she asked. He took out a hypospray and injected the goo sample. The sample exploded.”what was that?”she asked. “I gave it enough knock out substance to inconpacitate a nebula. ” Dr. Piper said. “It is allergic to knock out substance ?”she asked. “Apearently !” he said. “Without the right dossege we could commit a huge overkill. ” Chris said. “I know but we may have no choice. Besides they could be dead already. ” he said.
The shields came down. The zombies entered. Renelds was hit. He was transformed into a zombie. A team of unaltered Klingon entered.Reynolds was stabbed. Spock used a nerve pinch on one nearby. A zombie started to go at one of the normal Klingon. Then the zombie stoped. The Klingon attacked them but they Did not attack him. The klingons did go at them . the klingons seamed to have an immunity against them.
“How were you able to survive against them?”Spock asked. “I don’t know. We all on this bridge seam to have it. ” ordek said. “Fasinating !” Spock said.
“Not for us. We refuse to trust it. ” ordek declared “understandable. ” Spock said. ” your people are in  Grave danger. “Ordek said .”yes I am aware of that. ” Spock said. “Your people are far more at risk then my people at least these hear. “I know that. ” Spock said.
U .s.s . enterprise
Megen was able to find a knock out glass that would able to temporarily knock out the zombies. It would also knock out the crew ad well. This could not be avoided.Megen and her team we’re dresed in environmental suit. The zombies had taken over the computer. It would be difficult to disperse the knock out gas. She found a way around the filtration syiatom. She was able to release the toxin.
The crew started to pass out. The zombies did as well. Megen was able to retake the ships computer. She had the zombies beamed to the cargo bay. The bay was sealed. “Medical log, assistant medical officer Dr Megen shall reporting. The zombies for the moment have been incompacitated.The zombies we’re placed in a cyonic unit. The ship and crew are still in jeopardy .” she said.
Klingon ship
“Hallak I have known you for many years. What’s going on with you ?” Addison asked him. ” I schot Donaldson. He was being transformed. I vaporized him. I had no idea this would happen . I killed a man. One of my men ! I know I come off as cold and I know I am not always the most liked person in the fleet. I felt I had no choice adie. “He said.
“Now? ” she asked. ” I don’t know. I don’t see any alternative. That might not be true. I don’t know. If I survive this I don’t know that I will ever know. ” the Orion said.
“Hal sometimes there are no easy answers. ” Addison said. “Let me gues you are going to reference the kobioshi meru test. ” he said. “This is for all intense and purposes a war a gerila war. You did what you felt was right. There may have been other options. You had to act. Does it make it better no. ” Addison said. “If we get out if hear I want to inform the family !” he said. ” of course. ” Addison said.
Kolina was in a separate cyonic unit. Dr. Shall wanted to save everyone She especially wanted to help her. She had no idea if she could be saved. If any of the zombies could.
” the zombie ship has moved on. If they have a telepathic link with the others , they could be back. “Ryan said .
” I agree. ” mia said. “The zombies are in control of the Klingon ship. Our team are trapped. ” Liz said. ” I know. The ship is stil venerable. The ship is hardly secure. We have no choice. We are moving out. ” mia ordered.
The enterprise went to warp. The zombi infested ship did not pursue. The enterprise for now was safe.
To be concluded.

Legacy chapter four (5)

“Captian’s log, the landing party is trapped on bored a Klingon. Vaberale to the zombie Klingon and to the zombie virus. On the enterprise,the ship is about to be boarded. “Captian Norris said in his log.
U.s.s enterprise
The security team took out there phasers. The transporter beam activated. The Klingon zombies emerged on the bridge. The security team opened fire.
One of the zombies touched a security guard. The guard started to turn green. Yeoman Smith shouted in fear.
Another guard was hit by a punch by a Klingon. The rest of the  guards opens fire. “Clear the bridge!”Kirk ordered.
Kirk fired on the zombie Klingon at point black range . it Did nothing. Kirk tried to give cover to the rest of the bridge crew. Terisha,Smith and other officers tried to leave.
“I’m staying! “Kolona said. “Clear the bridge that’s an order. You too Ryan!”Kirk said.
Ryan begged for a phaser. He was given one. The team moved into a turbo lift. The crewman turned into a zombi ran . he hit Kolona. She started to turn into a zombie. Kirk ordered them to abandon her. The door closed.
“We just left her?”Gary asked.”we had no ‘chioce! She is one of them now. Whatever them is!”mia said. “What now?the whole ship is under attack?”Ryan asked.
Dr .dahner sealed her office. “We are safe for now!”Liz dahner said. “How long is now?”ensign David asked. “You ok? Is this causing flashbacks of those lightning creatures?”Liz asked. “A little!”Davis said. “Just hold it together mesha!”Liz said.
Lt. Lee kelso and lt. Dashale erected a force feld outside the warp drive. They hoped that the poor man’s force feld might shield them at least temporarily. The zombies were holding position right by the field. “You ok Lee?” dasahale asked. “To be honest not relay Vincent !”Lee said. “I know what you mean!” dasale said.
Sick bay.
Dr. Megan shall and dr. Mcbanga abd the rest of the team stood ready. The Klingon emerged. Dr. Shall injected them with a hypo spray.  The Klingon was stunned. The rest of the team followed suit. The zombies were stunned. ” come on let’s move. It won’t last long. ” Megan said.
They went to a crallway. They just kept moving. They had no chioce. They saw Carol and kalera. “What’s going on ? Who are these people?” Carol said. “They were Klingon. Now I have no idea!” Megan said.
Klingon ship
Norris and Addison had made it to a supply closet. They sealed it. “I have been able to find zombie life signs. They are all over the ship .” Addison said. “Without the communicators we can’t warn the orthers! ” Norris said.
“I am guessing this has something to do with either the mass or the instability . ” Norris said. “We sealed the rupture. Why are they hear?” Addison asked. “I don’t know. None of us are safe!” Norris said.
“I’m woried for Ryan and the kids . ” Addison said. ” yes I am woried for kalera!”he said. “What  going on between you two? “Addison asked. “Its complicated. “Norris said. “You two make a good couple. Every couple is complicated. Ryan and I have been though so much. We should not have made it but we have. “Addison said. 
“She killed my brother Addison! I can’t forgive that!” the captain said. “During the war?” kalera asked.”yes . she was the weapons officer that fired the fatale schot.” the captain said.
They heard a noise. “I believe this is Morse code!” Norris said. ” h !”he said. “A”Addison said. “L a..” he said. “K halak. Its the chief. ” Addison said .the door opened. The chief scanned the two. “You don’t trust us?” Norris asked. “Some of our crew are now zombies. I can’t take the chance. ” the chief engineering officer said.
Addison noticed that he spent more time scanning Addison then the captain. “Did you detect some kind of parasite?” Addison asked. “That is not how I would characterize it in such a fashion. ” the Orion said. ” you two don’t waste time. ” Norris said. “We need to get you off the ship. ” halak said. “We all need to get off this ship. I can do my job.” Addison said. The perimeter went off. “We got to go! ” halak said.
A group of zombies came. They growled. They were like rabid animals. They were filled with spit and green goo. They whielded there batleth. They used the rifles like sword. Noris struck the other sword with the magshuft sword. The three worked to overpower the zombies.
Norris used all of his might to overpower the zombie. Norris allowed his survival instinct to kick in. Norris forced the zombie to drop the batleth. Noris stabbed the zombie with his rifles . the zombie was startled. Addison stabbed the zombie.
Norris took off his focus. A zombie attacked him. Norris started to change. Sudenly they heard a noise. It was a group of Klingon.they had not been absorbed by the zombies. The Klingon started to stab the zombies.the zombies were for the moment were incapacitated. The leader of the Klingon was about to stab Norris.
“Put it down !”Addison insisted. “He Is not one of your men any more ! I have no chioce. He cannot be saved. ” the lead Klingon said. ” put it down now !” Addison insisted.
“I have found a connection between the mass and the Klingon affected by the unknown substance “Spock said. “Oh?” the tech said.
“The mass substance and the automiton phynomina are related.unlike the mass it has not become inert. “Spock said. “Why has the goo not become inert?”renelds asked. “Perhaps it has. Perhaps the inert material is becoming toxic in the receptacle causing the behavior some might characterize as zombi like behaviors. ” Spock said. “How do  reverse it or at least stop the spread?” the tech asked. “I do not know” Spock said.
Dr. Piper and  chapel continued to. Try to flea zombies. It was a difficult task. They kept running. They met up with Leslie and Galloway. “There is no way we are going to make it are we?” chapel asked. “I am not giving up yet nurse. ” Dr. Piper declared.
End of chapter four.

Legacy chapter two (3)

“Captains log ,while patrolling the area of the Klingon empire near the old x zone,we detected a missing ship. We have discovered the vessel adrift. Beming on bored ,we have discovered several bodies Klingon .some have a type of goo. What none of us knew is that we are being followed. ” Norris said.
Dr. Piper looked over the body. “This is odd! I am detecting multiple batleth stabbing. Cause of death was multiple disruptor blast at close range!”piper said.
“Multiple. Klingon physiology is not that different from humans. What kills us will kill them. ” chapel said.”this goo is quite perplexing. ” Dr. Piper said .
“Is it some kind of pathogen ?”Christine asked. “Yes and no . it seems to be kling the body but keeping it alive as well. I have never seen anything like it. ” piper said. “Its alive?” chapel said. “Parts of it are. ” piper said.
The Klingon started to move.chapel screamed. “Chris move away slowly. ” Dr. Piper said.Dr. piper hoped it was like a bear that operated mostly on instinct. The two started to slowly move away.
They then froze. The zombi Klingon growled and ran away. “What is going on?”chapel asked.”I wish I knew!” Dr. Piper said.
Dr. Piper pulled out a communicator. “Piper to Norris! Come in captain. ” Dr. Piper said. “He is not responding. ” nurse chapel said. “Either a jamming  device is in place ..”piper said. “Or he is incapacitated  or dead.”the nurse said.
Norris ,Addison,giotto,and Leslie kept on. “My communicator is not working.”the chief said. “Not is myne!”Addison said. “Ok lets stay close. “The captain said.
The captain and the three others kept moving though the corridor.there phasers we’re on standby. 
“I hear a sound.”Leslie said.”full back! Nice and slow!”the captain ordered. They took a position . they got ready with there weapons.
A Klingon covered in green goo ran thought the corridor . he was screaming and yelling. Noris and Addison fired simultaneously on the zombi Klingon. The two others fires form the opposite ends. The weapons were not having much effect on the Klingon creature.
The creature went for Leslie. He knew tactics. It knew to go for their officers. Norris and Addison fired in the zombie.
The zombi took out his batleth.he was about to strike Leslie.Norris and Addison fired on did nothing. Leslie ran. Leslie put his phaser on overload.he threw it at the creature.
The phaser heated up until it exploded. The zombi was caught in the wake. It fell to the ground.
The captain ordered the team to keep moving. The zombi was stil.Norris suspected that He was not dead. At least He was stil mobile.
“What is that thing?” Leslie asked. “I don’t  have a clue. None of us are safe. We can’t get hit by that thing. We can’t let it even touch us. ” Norris said. “I am ok with that. “Adison said.
Halak looked over the engine much carenege. He looked over the engines. The engines were in good shape. Much of the damage was superficial .
“Sir! I am detecting a life form inside the engines!”security officer Donaldson said. “That’s not  possible. Nothing can survive in there.” cornerly said.”it is emerging!”Donaldson said.
“Fall back!”the Orion insisted. Th team moved backward. A Klingon male left the engine room. He looked green and lifeless. He picked up Donaldson and threw him into the engines.
Its eyes skirted a green subsistence at cornerly.cornerly was hit. He was blinded. He screamed. His body started to be changed. He was transformed. The Orion fired on cornerly. Cornerly was vaporized.
The Klingon chased Halak.Halak fired on the Klingon zombie. The Orion ran out of the door. He sealed the door and then set up a secondary forcefield.
The Klingon pried The door opened.He tore it apart like it was nothing. He was hit by The force field he endured the pain.
The Orion ran in to a corridor. He sealed the door. He kept moving. He ran and ran. He regretted scouting and killing cornerly. He suspected that nothing could be down for him. He regretted it never the less.
There was nothing about this mission he liked. He did not know if this would end well. He feared that it might not.
He wod stil move. He would not give up. He would do all he could t endure . he was form. A race known for there endurance. He would disappoint his race. Not a chance. He just kept moving.
All of a sudden ,crewman Donaldson came out of the engine core. He was all zombi now. He looked life less. He was determined. A group of zombie Klingon patrolled the corridor. They came on a team of Galloway,lemili and three other guards. Before they could target the zombie,the zombies chased the team.
Crewman Nortel was picked up by one of the zombi Klingon. The Klingon picked up Nortel. Nortel tried to fight the zombie. The zombie bit the crewman.
The rest of the crewman ran. Another zombie stabbed crewman porter. Crewman Davidson was hit by a Klingon. Lemli and Galloway kept running. They fired there phasers on the zombies.then they ran.
Spock and technician renelds had made it to the bridge.there we’re bodies. Some covered in goo some not . Spock spoke and read Klingon. He looked over the datta. “Fasinating according to the data the ship that attacked this ship was one of the ship believed to be destroyed during the mass crises.” Spock said. “How is it possible?” renelds said. “I don’t know! ” the Vulcan said.
U.s.s enterprise
“Sir! I lost contact with the landing party. ” kolina said. “I am stil reading life signs . it’s out team. ” teriaha obk manning the science station said.
“Is there a problem Jim?” Ryan Herrington asked. “Uncertan Ryan. Kirk to kyil beam up the landing party at once. ” the acting captain ordered.
“I can’t engage the beam. I can’t get a lock inside the ship. ” Kylie reported. “Dawn it!” Kirk said.
“We have incoming !” mia bolt at helm reported. ” can you identify it?”Kirk asked. ” it is one of the vessels believed to have bean destroyed by the mass. ” teriaha said.
“Vessel is coming in weapons hot!” Gary Michel reported. “Shields up! Red alert!” Kirk ordered. The red alert claxon sounded. “Shields up ! Weapons standing by!” mia said.
The Klingon vessel fired on the enterprise. The vessel disruptor was enhanced by some kind of energy beam. The enterprise was hit.
“Our shields are down ! ” teriaha said. “How is that possible?”Ryan asked. ” weapons are off line!” mia said . the Klingon ship fired again.
“Inform all decks to be ready! We are about to be borded. “Kirk said .
End of chapter two.

Legacy chapter one (2)

U.s.s enterprise
“Captains log the enterprise is now in a remote region  of Klingon space. Our misson is to investigate reports of bizare activities in Klingon space. ”
” captain,the imperial Klingon vessel Chorvqght has not reported in. The vessel reported that it located a derelict vessel. ” Klingon com officer reported. “Send the coordinants to the helm! I love cleaning up after the Klingon !” captain Ben Norris said.
“I have the coordinates sir. ” lt. Commander Jim Kirk reported. “Lay in the course Addison.”the captain ordered. Lt. Commander Addison mccomic plotted the course. “Course laid in. ” Kirk reported.
“Your going to put my people at risk aren’t you?”security chief giotto asked. “I am going to mitigate the risk if I can chief. They are my people too. I don’t take that lightly. “He said. “I know that sir. ” he said.
“On course . “Addison said. “Why do I get the Sense that we are on the verge of something awful?”Dr. Piper said. “Hopfully it is just a bad feeling. ” Norris said.”We all hope that!” yeoman Smith said.
The turbo lift door opened,kalera the romulan officer entered the bridge. “Doctor !” Norris said. “Captain !” kalera said.
The two had been close. They seemed to be heading into a romance. Then after a revilation that she opened fire on the ship commanded by his brother.he was killed by a mistle she fired. Now there relationship was totally professional.
“Captain I have located the chorvaught. The vessel is adrift. Life support is low. I am getting life signs but they are highly erratic. ” Spock said .
“Send the coordinates to The navigator. Addie you know what to do. ” the captain instructed. “Got um. Setting course now. “She said .”course plotted . ” Kirk reported.
The enterprise went at high warp to The Klingon warship. The enterprise arrived at the ship. “Power is at a minimum over there. “Spock reported. “Alright! Mark prepare a medical team.” He said.” you got it Ben!”Dr. Piper answered. “Prepare a security team chief” Norris ordered. “Aye sir!”he said.
He pounded the com panel. “Chief I want you to send some tech. This is just a fact finding mission. Right now we have no idea what we will fund over there. ” the captain said. “You got it sir!” hallak said.
“Kirk you have the ship. Addison with me. Spock as well. ” the Captain said .
The team members followed the captain. The captain and team went to the turbo lift. The door closed. Kirk sat down at the command chair.
Transporter room
Norris,Spock,giotto and piper entered.they we’re joined by halek,nurse chapel with security and engineering staf. “Coordinates ready!” lt. Kyile announced.
The captain and the landing party stepped on to the transporter pad.”energize. “The captain ordered.
The operator activated the beam. The team was beamed off of the enterprise and on to the Klingon ship.
Klingon vessel
The team emerged in a hall way. “Fan out! “Norris ordered. Dr. Piper and chapel came upon a body. “The wound is from a batleth.I am sure of it.” Christine said. “I tend to agree with you. ” Dr. Piper said.
“Look at this captain .”Spock said.”what do you make of it?”Norris asked. “I am unable to identify it.”Spock said.Spock took a sample .
The team continued to move out. They found more bodies. “Look at this one! Its has that goo Mr. Spock found. ” Galloway said. “Goo?”Leslie said. “I don’t know what else to call it. ” Galloway said.
Piper examined the body. “This goo has joined with the Klingon’s is trying to become the blood. “Dr. Piper said.
“There was none of this ‘goo’ on the other bodies we found.Why is that?” Norris asked. “I don’t know. I think it is importent .” piper said. “I do too. ”  Norris said.
What they did not know was that they were being watched. What is worse then being tailed by Klingon? Being watched by a zombie Klingon.
End of chapter one .


Previously on star trek the universe.
A little known Klingon starship commander challenged the chancellor of the high council and won. He had no constinuentcy. In order to maintain his power,he went to war with the federation.
Despite early victories,the Klingon fleet got bogged down. The federation fleet was able to break the stand stil and pushed out the fleet.
A group of aliens who revered the mysterious preserves plotted to spread war though the galaxy.they ambushed the enterprise . the captain was killed. The first officer was imcompacited. Ships second officer Ben Norris took over. He was later named permanent commander.
An experiment by a remote alien race caused the structural integrity of the universe to be compromised. This allowed a mass to envelop the universe. The intregrety was restored.
The mass crises forced the United federation of planets to work with the Klingon and romulons.the Three powers have negotiated a more permanent arrangement.
The enterprise is assigned to investigate things related to the mass crises. After a summit on earth, the enterprise returns to duty.
Now tonight’s episode.
Remote space
Klingon frontier
Klingon cruiser
“Excelentcy! The freighter armigosh failed to report in. It was last seen in sector b,7. “The com tech reported.
“Send last known coordinates to the helm. Helm set course. Maximum warp.” captain lutux said.
The com tech sent the information to the helm. The helmsman got the data. He imedietly imputed the data. “Course plotted ” the helm officer said . “excicute!” the captain ordered.
The Klingon katinga class warship went to warp. The vessel headed to the area. While Klingon propinganda sated that the empire consisted entirely on the warriors but the truth was the empire depended on everyone . this included transport of freight. This included trade with ans without the empire.
“I have located the freighter. Vesel I destroyed. I am finding evidence of the freight in the debree ” the science officer reported. “This rules out piracy . “the first officer said.
“Send the discovery of the debre to high command. ” the captain ordered.the com tech sent the update. “Mesege sent “the com tech reported.
” sir! The freighter was destroyed by Klingon disruptors. ” the science officer said. “Are you certain?” the captain asked . “yes sir. ” the science officer said.
“K’horn was defeated by captain kor near cleck de Kell brachk.  Could there be more dissidents not defeated by loyal wariors?”the first officer asked.
“Keep scanning . whoever did this for whatever reason is an enemy of the klingon people . they must be vanquished!” captain lintux said.
The science officers scanned the area for signs of ships . the bridge technicians pulled all the stops to find it. ” I have something my Lord!”the science officer said . “report!” the commander ordered. “Sir I have located a Klingon war cruiser. Katinga class d 7. It is the kimperk .” the science officer said.”that is impossible! The vessel was destroyed by the mass. ” the first officer said.
“It fully matches the design and configuration of the kimperk. There are life signs. The signs are erratic. ” the science officer said. “The vessel is the ship that destroyed the freighter. I am certain if that sir!” the weapons officer reported.”intercept!” the captain said.
The warship went after the vessel believed to be involved in the attack. The loyal ship caught up with the enigmatic vessel. The direlect ship fired on the vessel.
“They have acesed our prefix codes our shields are down!”the weapons officer down. There was a transporter beam. Klingon merged.they had signs of serious wounds . they were life less robotic. They resembled zombies. They walked clumsily.
Several of the bridge crew opened fire with there disruptors.the disruptors did nothing . they zombie Klingon were unaffected.they did not even seam to notice that they were under attack. They did react.
Several of the crew were stabbed.The zombies were relentless. The zombies did not have a goal. There goal was violence. .
After the zombies beamed away. The ship moved on. 
End of prologue

Worms the conclusion.

” captains log,the enterprise is now in federation space. The bendali ship has backed off . those affected by the worms have begun treatment. Those affected who have begun treatment have responded well. ” Addison said.
Addison and Ryan walked hand in hand to sickbay. “Nervous?” Ryan asked. “A little! You?”she asked
“Yes I am. I am excited to not have worms climbing around my body “he said. “I know what you mean. I feel the same way. ” Addison said.
They arrived at the sickbay.the door opened.the two entered. “Ok get change and get on the bio bed. “Dr. Piper said.
Ryan changed into the blue cover l like robe with a black shirt. She wore the blue night gowan. Nurse chapel took some readings.
“Ok ? Are You ready?”Dr. Piper asked.”not really . let’s do it any way. “Addison said. Dr. Piper took out a hypo spray. She was injected with the futuristic syringe.
She started to feel odd. She did not know what to make of it. She started to feel some mild discomfort.
She took some deep breaths .she tried to deal with it as best As she could. The pain got worse. It was barible but not awesome.
She finally fell asleep. She has bizarre dreams. She had one dream where she was in the house of her step parents. Where she spent most of her childhood.
She saw Ryan. S he saw her son and daughter. She saw her step parents. She saw a group of Klingon zombies.she tried to protect her family.
She woke up. “Addie your safe!” Dr. Piper said. “Am I cured?”she asked.”you stil Cary the worms but they are dead they should dissolve in your syistims or you should pass it .at this point it is inert. “Christine chapel said.
“That is a cheery thought. “The captain said.piper laughed. Ryan had his son and daughter with him
“Addie you will be happy to know that Hannah is fine. There is no evidence that she was ever infected with the worms. ” Dr. Piper said.
Nurse chapel picked up Hannah and gave her to Addison. Adison picked her up. She kissed her head. “I am glad to hear that doctor.”she said.
“Captains log the landing party has completed there treatments. We are now heading to star base 42. ”
“Now on course!”dasalle said.”alright lets go out there!”she said.
The end.
Universe one a Klingon ship  that was assumed to be destroyed in the mass crises reaks havoc.
Universe 2. The enterprise visits star base 42.

“The worms ” chapter five (6)

“Captain’s log,the enterprise has temporarily eluded a bendali ship.we are in high alert. While Dr. Piper have asked me to come to sickbay.  ” Addison said.
Addison entered sickbay. “What do you got for me doc”  Addison asked. “Well the worms could be deadly if not treated . if treated they are more of a nuisance then a plague. Had the middle ages had the scientific knowledge we have or even the knowledge of the 20th and 21st century ,the black plague could have been avoided. I decided to start at a kind of anti bacteria of some kind. I have found a treatment regimin I believe that will cure the worms. It may take a week or so. There May be some discomfort during that time. I Expect a full recovery in time. ” piper said.
“So we are not going to die or become a worm or a parasitic host?”she asked. “As long as you follow my regime To the letter. “Dr. Piper said. “Alright! I will follow your program to the letter Mark!”she said. “You had better addison!”the doctor said.
“Ok I will . you have my word.I will fully cooperate with your treatment program. ” she said.
“The landing party will probably need to take that time off during treatment. ” the doctor said.
“I don’t think any of us will mind a beef rest it. We will probably need time off after the treatment is complete.” Addison commented.
“Yes no doubt. Go easy on them for a while!”he said. ” ok. Can you begin treatments now?” she asked. “Absolutely! I just wanted to inform you first.” the c.m.o told the captain. “Of course get things set up !”Addison said. “You got it!”the doctor said.
Addison excited the turbo lift and entered the bridge. ” captain on the bridge . “yeoman Smith declared.”as you are. ” the captain said. Everyone resumed what they were doing previously.
“The doctor has developed a treatment. It may be a little painfull but it should be successful.” adison said.
“The bendali vessel is powred up again. ” sotril said. “I imagine they have sophisticated sensots. I am thinking they Will be on the hunt for us any seconds now. ” the security chief remarked.
“Shields up. Stand by. ” Addison ordered. “Shields up. ” Ryan said. “Weapons are. On stand by!” dasale said .
“Captain Dr. Piper says he is ready for the first ‘victim'” Palmer reported. “That does not inspire a lot if confidence does it? Alright yeoman Smith go. ” Addison said.”aye mam!”the young yeoman said.
Yeoman Smith excited the bridge.she entered the turbo lift.the Door closed.
“Captains log the bendali vessel is looking for us. We are continuing  to attempt to evade them. We are on course for federation space. Treatment have begun. ”
” hostile vessel has found us. It has just set itself On a direct intercept course for us. ” the security chief said. 
“Open hailing frequency. Ship to ship!” the captain ordered. The com officer activated the com unit.”hailing frequency open!” lt. Palmer said.
“Attention bendali vessel! This is captain Addison mccomic. We have found a way to cure the ailment caused by the worms. Your attack is unwanted. ” Addison said.
“They are responding . ” the com officer said . “On screen. ” the captain ordered. The com officer transfered the image to the view screen. On the screen displayed the image of the alien bridge
“Captain ! Your condition is of no consiquence to US! Even if you are cured you were stil affected by the worms. You are will be always be are eternally uncleen. Your ship must be destroyed. ” the captain said.
The screen faded. ” not the answer I wanted but it was the answer I expected. This is about to get tense. ” she said.
The two ships neered each other. The hostile opened fire on the enterprise. “Shields held. ” sotril reported. ” return fire!” the captain ordered.
The enterprise fired on the warship. The bendali ship quickly hit back on the enterprise. The ship rocked back and forth.  “Shields holding. ” the security chief announced.
The enterprise fired back on the warship. The warship was hit In front and back.
The enterprise was hit again. “Shields down to 87 percent” the Vulcan science officer said. The enterprise kept traveling at warp. The enterprise was continued to be chased. The enterprise fired back on the bendali ship.
The enterprise fired multiple volleys of photon torpedoes on the warship.
The enterprise ran at high warp towards the ship. It pushed off the ship .they fired phasers on the ship.  “It seams that the vessel has lost us at least for the moment. ” the chief said.
Later on.
“Captains log so far yeoman Smith,security officers Galloway and Leslie have been undergoing treatment for the worms. They are responding well . ” Addison said.
“Now nearing federation space. ” Ryan reported. “Take us in. ” Addison ordered.the enterprise entered. “Now in federation space ” dasale reported. “Ok. Sotril take over. ” Addison said.
“Aye sir!” the Vulcan said. Addison got up from the command chair. “Time to face the music adie ?”Ryan said. “You too Ryan. That’s an order. In fact I want all of the landing party to go to sickbay. “Addison said.
Addison left the bridge. The commander left the turbo lift. The door closed.
To be concluded.

The worms chapter four (5)

U.s.s. enterprise
“Captains log the enterprise is inside an asteroid field. We are trying to deal with the worms. There is another alien vessel in the other side of the asteroid. They have fired spacial charges. I suspect that they believe that any one who comes into contact with the worms is a threat to galactic hygiene and must be dealt with. ” Addison said.
“Hail the ship quickly!”Addison ordered. “Opening hailing frequencies!”lt. Palmer said. She activated the com unit.”your on captain!”the senior com officer reported.
” this is captain Addison mccomic of the starship representing the United federation of planets. A smal group of our crew were infested by the worms.this was a smal minority of the crew. Please discontinue your attacks. ” the captain said.
Orther side of the asteroid field .. Bendalli ship
“Sir! We are being hailed by the vessel on the other side of the asteroid field. “The com tech reported.
“Lets hear it! “Captain tuboran said. The com tech activated the com unit. the message was played.the captain listened to it.
“Activate the hollow interaction matrix. I wish to speak to the alien commander. “Tubirin said.
“You are going to talk to them? Our orders are clear.we cannot deviate!” first officer Dermot said. “I know that exo ! There is no reason I cannot hear them out. ” the commander said. The first officer did not like not like it. He decided not to protest any more.
U.s.s enterprise
“I am detecting some kind of energy transfer. It is similar to a transporter but I believe it is some of information transfer. ” science officer sotril said.
“Is this some kind of  attack? “The security chief asked. “No there is no weapons use in this commander.” the Vulcan first officer and science officer said.
On the bridge a gigantic energy filed emerged on the bridge. The energy field transformed into what looked like a humanoid life form. “This is not a life form. It is a holographic image. “Putcarin said. “Not quite . I am communicating to you from the ship on the other side of the asteroid field. ” th bendali captain said.
“Why are trying to destroy us with spacial charges?”adison asked “that is something I would like to discuss in private . ” the alien said “very well . sotril you have the bridge. Keep monitoring everything that’s going on. ” Addison said. . conference room.
“The worms infested our world and our people. The worms are an anethima to all we are. We have standing orders to fumigate anything that comes in contact with it. Your ship must be destroyed. There is no exception. ” the bendali captain said.
“Is the worm life threatening?” Addison asked. “In normal circumstances no. Most do recover. It is more of a nuisance then anything else .” the alien captain said.
“Then why go to all this  trouble to destroy it why go on an all out crusade against it ?” Addison asked.
“It is unclean. It represents disease. It is dirty. Those are infected are unclean. It is impure those infected remain affected.they carry the stigma. My people consider euthanasia or suicide to be moraly repugnant except for those inhabited by the worms. ” the alien said .
“This is not a health is a case of political morality. This is not your space? You have no jurisdiction over this area !” the captain declared.
“The worm protocol alows us to exercise power anywhere where the worms exist. No matter what. ” the bendali said.
“How convenient for you. Is there any way we can avoid being blown to bits?” the enterprise captain asked.
“No you have come into contact with the worms.your fate is sealed.I am sorry.” the alien captain said
“What if we accepted permanent exile in the field?” she asked . “too risky. There is no way that we can assure containment . “the alien leader said. “I figured. I want you to know I will fight you. I won’t role over and play dead. ” Addison said
“Then I can’t help you? ” Tiburon said. The image failed. She hit a com panel. “All decks brace for impact” adison said
The space inside the asteroid field rocked back and forth. Adiisom ran to the bridge. She entered the bridge. “Captain on the bridge!” yeoman Smith said. ” let me guess more spacial charges ” Addison said.
“They will get us eventually if they keep this up. ” pitcarin said . “probably sooner rather then later. ” Addison said. “Please tell me you have an idea ?” Liz pleaded.
“Ry target the asteroid field! Dashalle stand by to floor it!” Addison ordered. “Addie this is your plan ?” Liz asked.
The enterprise fired phasers on the asteroids. The asteroids dispersed. The enterprise ran at high warp toward the rode the asteroid wave.
The enterprise moved off. Ryan and dasale tried to take the ship to a full stop. The ship kept drifting . finally the ship came to a stop.
The bendali ship came about . the ship fired on the enterprise. “Shields at 88 percent. ” sotril said . “return fire !” Addison said. The enterprise fired back on the enemy vessel.
“Vessel is stil in pursuit!” the Vulcan reported. “Big surprise!” Addison remarked. The bendali fired again. The ship dodged most if the fire. The reer of the ship was hit.
“That was close. “Liz said. “Too close. ” yeoman Smith said . the enterprise hit back with passers and photon torpedoes on the enemy vessel.
” we are being hailed . audio only.” Palmer reported. “On audio. ” the captain said. “You can’t elude us forever captain. You might as well just give up. ” the captain of the alien vessel said .
“Yea no not going to happen! I am not going to just yield.I am going to make it as difficult and uncomfortable as possible!” the captain said. “You will fail! ” the bendali said. ” non sequitur !” adison said.
The bendali vessel fired on the enterprise. ” minor damage to stabored bow. ” pitcarin said. The enterprise returned fire on the alien ship.
The enterprise fired a volley of photon torpedoes on the hostile ship. The enterprise then hit them with phaser.
The bendali ship fired on the enterprise. The enterprise rocked around. It rolled around but regained cohesion.
“These people are really getting on my nerves. ” Addison said . ” I have an idea. Timouthy take over!” sotril said .she got up. Lt. Mathews took over the science station.
Sotril Sat at an extra aft station. She mind melded with the computer. She used the sensors and her mind . she sent a mind burst. She fell back.
Tim started to get up. Yeoman Smith went over to her. She waved them off. “The hostile Is not moving .” Tim reported.
“It won’t last last long. We have to move” the Vulcan reported.”ry Vincent you know your job.”Addison said.the enterprise went to high warp.
“Sick bay to bridge. You done getting us shot at?”piper said.”for the moment doc. Did you call me to criticize my command style ?” Addison asked.
“Negative captain. I have some news in the worms. I need to see you at once.” Dr. Piper said. “I will be right down there.” she said.
End of chapter four.

Worms chapter three (4)

U.s.s enterprise
“Medical log, chief medical officer Mark piper reporting. After discovering a direlect vessel behind an asteroid field. Itapeared.originally it had appeared that the landing team were unaffected by the ship. We were mistaken. Correction I was mistaken.” the doctor said.
“Aperently some kind of worms had infected the landing party. I am reexaming the members of the landing party. ”
“What’s going on?”Addison asked. “It seams that my exam on the landing party were incorrect. I found worms inside myself and nurse chapel! I am now going to test all of you as well.”piper said.
“What kind of worms?”Addison asked. “I don’t know yet. “The doctor said.
“Addison please get on the table. “Dr. Piper said. “Just relax captain!”Dr. Mcbanga said. “Who are you?”Liz asked. “This is one of my staf doctors. He came a bored at the aldeberen colony.”piper said.
“Did you say aldeberen colony?”she asked. “Yes why?”the New doctor said. “No reason. “Liz said.
“You have the worms!” piper said. “Mark you said I was ok. “Addison said. “I know addie.I thought you were. I don’t know what happened. “Dr. Piper said.
“I have been nursing Hannah. I could have infected Her. ” Addison said. “I will have her tested as well. “Dr. Piper said.
“Are they a threat to our health?”Addison asked. “I don’t know yet. “The senior doctor answered. “Are we contagious?”Addison asked. “I am not sure. “Mark said
“What do you know?” Addison said. “Look I am stil early in this investigation. The only way for me to figure this out is for me to do my job. I can hardly do that with you yelling at me. “Dr. Piper said.
“Of course . your right. Procede. “Addison said. She went over to a corner.Liz was next she was infected. All of the team tested positive for the worms.
Then the doctor tested Hannah. Addison held on to her. “She does not have the worms. It is possible that they cannot be detected at this  phase or because of het size. Right now she is negative. I am not ready to declare her worm free at this point. This is a good sign so far. “Piper said.
“Ok. Look Mark I’m sorry. My mama bear instincts kicked in. “Addison said. “I know. I will do everything I can. “He said.
“What now?” the security chief asked. “We need to find out if the rest of the crew not on the landing party is infected.  I want to check in with sotril. I am hoping to be able to scan the crew at once. “Dr. Piper said.
“Do it. ” Addison ordered. “For Now are we basically a plague ship?” the chief of security asked. “I am afraid so bary. We will have to send a warning single. “Addison ordered.
“I will get right on it “the chief engineering officer said. ” ok good. ” Addison said.
“I would like to run more test. ” Dr. Mcbanga said. “Very well. “Addison agreed.
Dr. Piper explained the situation to the Vulcan first officer. “It s workable but it will take some time. Tim can you give me a hand?” She asked.
He came over to her. “Can you clear out that station ?”She asked.”sure babe. I mean sir. “He said. He Sat Down and cleared out the station. He got the station ready to be used for the experiment.
Dr. Piper and sotril then worked on creating the scanning device. The two tried to get the parameters for the scan.
“Alright it’s ready for the scan. “Sotril said. “Hear goes nothing. “Piper said. The science officer activated the scanners. “Orange will indicate infection. I have had the landing party tagged. I am having the computer filter them out. The computer will now show them as yellow. ” the science officer said.
“Acording to this only the landing party is infected. “Dr. Piper said. “Could these worms only be able to service on that ship?” Tim asked. “I have found no evidence that the worms are dying. It could be. ” Dr. Piper said
“We will need to keep testing in case there is a long incubation process. “Dr. Piper said. “Agreed. “The female first officer said.
Brefing room.
Seated were captain mccomic , commander sotril,Dr. Piper, chief enginer pitcarin,security chief giotto, helm officer dashale, navigator Herrington com officer Palmer,yeoman Smith and doctor dahner.
“All tests show the crew that were not part of the landing party are not infected by the worms. The computer will continue to be scanned periodically. ” the female Vulcan first officer said.
“Is the worms confined to the host bodies?” Addison asked. “So far. We are checking and rechecking. “Pitcarin said. “Is the worms perisistic?” Addison asked. “No . not so far. ” Dr. Piper said
“Alright. We will remane inside the asteroid field for now. That will be all.” Addison said.
She went over to the first officer. “Look I want from this point for you to attend all Keating involving me. If you feel that I am incapacitated,you have to take command your duty is to the ship. ” Addison instructed her. “I will sir. I will do what I have to. ” she said .
“Good. I hope it won’t be necessary. I fear it might be. ” Addison said. “It is a distinct possibility. ” the Vulcan said. “I fear it may. ” sotril said.
“You wanted to see us?” Addison asked. “Yes I did. I have developed a very crude primer. It may be exact but I believe it is fairly accurate. I have the computer run the translation. ” Palmer reported.
“I found a message from the ship. I believe it is from the government of the sending ship. ” Palmer said.
“Play the message Audrey.” Addison ordered. “Right away Addison. ” she answered.
She played the transmission. On the screen was displayed an alien person. The alien looked human except with a ridge near the eyes. “If get this heed! If go to this ship. Do not return home ship. If return return. Worms unclean. Incuruble. Leave behind. ” the message ended.
“It seams that only the landing party is in danger. ” Palmer said. “How can that be? “Addison asked. “They went to a lot of trouble to try to get us to leave the infected behind “the chief said . “indeed They did. ” Addison said.
“This does not make sense. We are missing something. What I don’t know. ” Ryan said.
“I agree. ” Addison said. She paced around the room. Addison did not like any of this.
Lt. Palmer continued to check the logs from the ship. She reported to the captain on what she found. “Alright. The worms were accidently brought to the bendali home world from a near by world. The dutril.  The worms are benign to the dutril but cause discomfort to the bendali. The worms were brought to this ship to be marooned. The creatures cannot be seen outside a host. Like us they developed a way to detect and trap them. I suspect there probably was some kind of buoy but it may have been destroyed after all these years. ” Palmer said.
“This was a plague ship or sorts. ” Addison said. “It seams so. ” Palmer said. “Our curiosity got the best of us. ” Addison said.
The asteroid did rocked. The enterprise shock back and forth. “Report!”Addison ordered. “Captain I am detecting the use of spacial charges. ” Jr. Science officer David ported.
“Long range sensors detect a ship. The vessel is more advanced but it is bendali.”sotril reported. “Hail that ship. Quickly. ” Addison ordered. The com officer sent the message.
End of chapter three.