Tag Archives: daystorm

The new order part one

On the bridge of the enterprise,the view screen was displayed. Instead of captain r.m merek and the crew of the clark’s sumit,it was a crew in a style of uniform from earth’s past.
The bridge crew was shocked. “What is this? To whom am i speaking?”captain Addison mccomic. “Captain merek is indeposed! I am in command now. I am kahn!”he said.
“What is the meaning of this?” Addison asked. “While humanity has made some impressive strides,war,poverty deasease all virtualy gone,you have lost something ! Passion! A new order is about to be ushered in!” Kahn said. 
“Your one ship mr. Kahn! I doubt you alone can pull off the kind of revolution you want to!” She told him.
“You would be suprised captain! On earth in romania ,president nicholas cousescu went out to give a press confrence. One person yelled lier. He ended up dying. Don’t underestimate me captain! A new order is coming!”kahn declared.
The ship went to warp. “Lay in a persuit course!”she ordered. The ship went to warp. “We have an incoming projectile! It is a romulin mistle powered by methuselah!” Sotril declared.
The mistle headed for the enterprise.  They would have to let the clark’s sumit go. They had larger concerns.
The mistle headed right for them. “Evasive action!”Addison ordered. The ship tried to get away from the large mistle. The mistle seamed to gain on the enterprise. 
“If the mistle is powered by methuselah! There is little chance of you outruning it!” Doctor daystorm said.
“If the mistle is detonated the ship will be almost totally destroyed!” Lt. Kyile reported.
“Ry maximum warp!”Addison ordered. Ryian took the ship to the highest maximum speed. The ship kept going. The mistle matched course and speed of the enterprise.
“Vessel has caught up to us!” Sotril reported. “I was afraid of that! “Addison said. “I cannot give you any more power!” Kyile informed the captain.
The mistle kept coming. “I may have a solution !”daystorm said.”Addison rule three in time of crises we can overlook protical! Get to it!”she ordered.
Daystorm punched a few buttons on kyle’s key pad. “I am atempting to acess the methusalah’s overide system. I may be able to shut down the whole mistle!” Daystorm reported.
He atempted to gain control of the mistle. He tried to acess the overide protical.
Clark’s sumit
“They are atempting to acess the overide!” Jouquin said. “Stop them!”kahn ordered. “I’m trying !”he said. “Try harder! Dawn you!”kahn ordered.
“Impact in 20 secconds!” Sotril said. “Daystorm!”Addison said. “I’m trying ! I am being blocked!”he said. “Five seconds !”dasale anounced.
“Set course for the nearest star!”Addison ordered. The ship set course for the star. The ship started to colide with the star then the ship veered off.
Dassale and Ryan tried to take the ship out of the star. The mistle hit the star. The ship went to warp. The mistle hit the star and detonated. The ship was hit by the wake. The ship kept going.
The ship spun in and out. There were multiple explosions thoughout the ship. Stations of the bridge were hit. Crakling could be heard.
A crewman was hit. The crewman fell to the ground. Kyile dodged another impact. He survived the attack. It was a close one.
The ship began to drift. “The wake will impact us in 40 seconds !”sotril said. “Take us in!”she ordered. The enterprise went at warp into the wake. The enterprise went in at high warp.
The enterprise ran in and left the wake. Ry tried to stop the ship. The ship stoped. “We are at all stop!”ryian anounced.
Inside the wake a smal device cleared the debree field. “Its methuselah! It servived the detonation!”marvic said. “That was what it was suposed to do'” daystrom said.
“We have to retreve it! “Gioto said. “Do it! ” Addison ordered.the ship headed for the device.
“We have incoming ! It is the clark’s sumit!” Sotril anounced. “We are being hailed!”palmer said.”on screen!”Addison ordered. Palmer turned on the view screen. The bridge was displayed.
“Abandon the device you call methuselah!”kahn said. “Your vessel is no match for enterprise. Your ship is civilian. We outclass you in every way!”she declared.
“I have scaned your ship captain. My little demonstration left you bateted and blody! Your in no position to battle me captain! “Kahn said.
“Audio off!”Addison ordered.”chanel closed!”palmer said. “Can we force methusalah to self destrict?”Addison asked. “Negitive. It was not designed with a self destruct! “Daystorm said. “Why not?”gioto asked.”it was not a weapon but a peace of equipment ! It is non military !”daystrom declared. “Tell that to kahn!” Gioto said.
“Stand by tractor beam!”Addison ordered. Kyile agreed. The ship headed for the device. The clark’s sumit also headed for the device. The vessel fired multiple voleys on the enterprise. The sumit maintaned course for the device.
The device was beamed on to the clark’s sumit. “How did they use the transporter while the shields are up?”smith asked.”he rerouted power some how!” Marvic said.
“Vessel is gone! “Sotril said. “They used the wake to mask there location!” Daystorm said. “We have lost them?”piper asked.”i am afraid so mark!” Addison said.
End of part one

Fabic of excistence part two

U.s.s enterprise
“Captain’s log, the enterprise has been sumoned to star base 12 in order to asist in a project that could revolutionize power consuption in the federation fleet. ” 
Star base 12
Confrence room
Captain mccomic,commander sotril and chief engineer pitcarin sat with several starbase officers from the base including comadore mandez,his aid miss piper and a few civilians.
“Zefren cocren’s warp flight changed every thing for humanity. Soon humanity united. Made contact with alien races. The federation was formed. We began to explore the galaxy. We can’t just sit on our laurels. We must keep going. Keep trying to excel'” comadore mandez said.
“With them in mind,it is my plesure to present dr. Richard daystorm and dr. Lary marvic on what we hope will revolutionize the fleet!” He said.
The african American civiliam scientist went to the lacturn. “Earth has gone though a series of changes. We have warp drive,we have explored the galaxy. One thing has gone relitivly unchanged. Power! Our saurce of power is the same. We only have so much power to go around. The pie stays the same. No one has atempted to change the pie!” Dr. Richard daystorm said.
Lary marvic took the lacturn. “The first law of thermal dynamics is nothing is created or destroyed. The second is that energy depletes over time. The law of entropy.  There is no sutch thing as perpetual motion but we have come close!” Marvic said.
“This is a prototype for a new power unit. We call it mathesilah.”Daystorm said. Marvic and several aides whealed in a device on an anti grav cart. The female took the sheat off of the cart.
  “This device is designed to recycle energy. It will generate energy not foever but we believe that it could generate power for ten years. “Daystorm said.
“This is of course. It is all experimental. It has not been tested in actual use until now!” Daystorm said.
“Star fleet has aproved the experimental testing of the mathuseluh system. ” commadore mandez said.
  Addison listened intently to this presentation. As she listened to it,she thought to herself ,please tell me your not going to put this untested equipment in the enterprise.
“We will be using a test ship designed for testing new equipment !” Marvic said. Addison breathed a sigh of relief.
  “Due to the danger associated with an experiment sutch as this,the vessel will be unmaned. The test ship will be monitored by another ship that will monitor it from a distence. The ship will have a fail safe that will take over the ship if needed.  “marvic said.
“That is where the enterprise comes in! The enterprise will monitor the ship from a safe but close distence. We will be testing it in a remote area. We can’t totally garante safty of those involved but we do our best!” The commadore said.
Addison had her reservation about this mission. It seamed like potentialy a colosial waste of time if it failed. Although they took every proqaution,nothing was error or danger proof.
She tried to gage the reaction of her chief engineer. The usually calm pitcarin seamed uncharistically gitty. He seamed excited by it. She could not figure out asistent chief engineer kyile. He did not seam gitty but did not get the impreson he oposed it.
She looked over to her most stoic advisor. Security chief gioto was the type who could find a cloud in every silver lining. He had a look on his face like this was the biggest bunch of targ manure he had ever seen. She was not sure how she felt about all this. This was not her area of expertise. She relied on others. She was stil sceptical.
“We will lunch in nine hours! “The commidore said. The brefing was ajurned. Every one got up. Addison and sotril went over to daystorm and marvic. “We will arange qurters for you!” Addison said. “Thank you captain. You must be very excited. You get to be a part of history in the making !”daystorm said. “Arnt i part of history every second of the day?” Addison asked. Marvic laughed.
Addison and sotril left the room.”Get every thing into place. I will be back abored shortly! I have something i need to do!” Addison said. “Of course. I will get every thing started!”sotril said. “Thank you commander!” Addison said.
Star base 12
She went to the bar. She looked around and saw lt arial shaw. “Arial! “Addison said. “Hello addy! Please sit!” She said. “I was suprised to see you hear. You spend most of your time on sb 11!” She said. ” I go back and forth. I came hear to see you!” She said. “Oh?” Addison said.
“Its about Alison crenic. We would like you to give a satement. “Shaw said. “What will happen to her?” She asked. “Frankly we don’t have a clue. She will be under pysch hold for the time being. She could face multiple charges. There are multiple isues. If convicted she could spend alot of time in a rehab colony. Is that best? Can she be rehibilitated. There is the question of how she got where she was!”shaw said.
“I don’t know what to say? I don’t have any recomendations. A part of me wants to lock her up and throw away the key. She was my friend. I am not sure that’s her. I don’t want to remember Alison that way especially if this is not her!”she said.
“The best medical minds in the federation dont have a clue. You should stil be heard even if you don’t know. Say that! ” shaw said. “I will write something! Who has jurisdiction?” She said.
“Star fleet want it sense she did damage to star fleet. Federation justice department claims jurisdiction as does others. It will probably go before the supreme court! This is new ground!” Shaw said.
“I see! I get that satement to you as quickly as posible!” Addison said. “Thank you addy!” Shaw said.
“Is there no clue as to how she got acros the space or worked with the romulons?”Addison asked. “Not yet no. She is not forthcoming unfortunately!” Shaw said. “I see!” Addison said.
U.s.s enterprise
Confrence room
Addison decided to confur with two officers she knew would be on either side of this issue. Chief pitcarin and lt comander gioto.
“Ok! Why is this a good idea commander?”Addison said. “The science behind it is sound. The idea has merit. I think it can work! If it does it will alow us to expand our exploration of the galaxy with less layovers and at the same time give a leg up with the Klingons,romulons and tholiens. This could be a huge win!”pitcarin exclaimed.
“Commander giito i assume you have a different view?” Addison asked. “I do Addison. This is pure targ minure. You can’t garane something goes wrong. If even conponent craps out,the whole thing will go bust! If it goes wrong in a remote area its over. You will have to have a conventional back up!” The sicurity chief said.
“We can provide multiple reduntcies. We can almost gurente gioto’s syinerio won’t play out!” The chief engineer said. “You can’t totally asure that these reduntcies won’t fail! The titanic was taken down by a smal rudder! It is too big of a risk! I can’t believe your letting your exuberance cloud your reason and objectivity!” Pitcarin said.
“His doom and gloom syinerio is posible but not probible. As i recal the transporter was highly critisized. There are still detractors. This can work!” Pircarin said.
“Well i gues we will find out!” Addison said. She dismished the two. The two left the room. The door closed.
Uss enterprise
“It is good to be back hear! I helped build this ship. I designed the constitution class starship amoung orthers. The constitution class is definitely my favorite !”marvic said. “We all love it. When i completed my traning i figured i would be asigned to a frigate or a ground instilation. I was thriled to be asigned to the enterprise!” Yeoman smith said.
“Even stil in its infantcy it had already made history. I was thriled when the enterprise was asigned to monitor the experiment. This is going to be both myine and doctor daystorm’s crowning achevement!” Marvic said. “You don’t doubt that will work? “Smith asked. “Not for a second! History is going to be made. I am very confident that this will work!”marvic said. Smith was not convinced that he really felt that way.  She knew that he would not show fear. He would show strength until the very end.
S.s clarks sumit
The commanding officer was beamed from the sleeper ship to the clarks sumit. The captain decided to have only the group’s leader brought abored at for now.he would decide on the orthers once the leader was awake.
  The doctor revived the commander. The patcient began to wake up. He was grogy at first. Then he became more and more luscent.
“Where am i?” The indien looking man said. ” your on a human vessel. We are a civilian vessel but we are part of the federation. “The captain said.
“Federation?” The man asked.”united federation of planets. A multi species alience that includes humanity. The capital is on earth!” The captain said. “Earth stil excist. I feared humanity might have destroyed itself !” The man said.
“We came close a few times. We chose to servive. We did more then then that. We thrived.” The captain said.
“I did not catch your name captain!” The patcient said.” My apologies. I am captain r.m merek. You are abored the starship clarks sumit. We estimate that it has been about three hundred years!” Merek said.
“My name is khan! “He said. “Khan! What was the perpose of your space flight?”merek asked.”we were hoping to settle a new world. Start fresh. I believed that humana on earth were doomed. We decided that if humanity was incisting on there going to the galows,we should step aside and let them. We are a group with common goals. We were a united group. We believe we could create a better society. ” Khan said.
“I think that we have created a world you will be proud of. We did almost destroy ourselves. At the last minute,we pulled back. We made the hard decisions.it paid off. “The captain said.
The man seamed sceptical. The captain could detect that scepticism in his vioce. The captain did not why. He senced he was mising something . He was not sure what it was. She suspected that it was a key clue to the mystery.
End of part two.