All posts by craigedson

The jouney part five


U.s.s enterprise 


“Captains log,the enterprise is participating in a search for the missing freighter chalice.  So far the search has not turned up any clues. We are still on the look out. Hope is fading that we will find them at this point. ” captain james komack said in his log. 


“Commadore nevins wants to continue the search.  ” com officer ed willis said. “I see little hope of finding them. It has been weeks.”first officer candez said. “We cant just give up. “Dr. Philip broyce said. “I agree. There is only so much that we can do. ” the first officer said. 

“These are lives. Citizens. People with families. They need answers.”dr. Broyce incisted. “We will get those answers.  “The captain said. Everyone agreed. They got to work. 

Science office. “I want to divert power to the sansors.”spock said. “We have diverted a lot of power already lt.”science officer philip Donovan said. 

“I believe i can divert more powrr more efficiently. I believe i can locate the crew. “Spock said.

“Some might see this as you trying to cast aspurgion on the work of non vulcans. “The chief science officer said. “I realize that. I believe that this is what is needed. “Spock told the superior. 

The science officer thiught about it.”we might as well give it a try. I dont really want to just give up without any answers. ” the science officer said. “I agree. Thank you commander. I will get right on it. ” spock said. 

“Jr science officers log, lt jr grade spock reporting. I made adjustment to power consumption to the sansors. We located a faint signle in a renote sector. We are moving in to the area to investigate. ” spock said in his log. 


New Hampshire 

” they lolocated the ship. Addison is alive. She is i. Bad shape. She is in a coma. She is being moved to mercy four. “Edward said.they huged. She huged her two other daughters. 

The present 

Alien ship

“They are klingons. There dna shows signs of mixing with other races. Some i dont recognize. They are klingons. I am guesing a lost tribe. ” addison said.

“A reasonable conclusion.  There is much we dont know about the klingon’s past.  ” spock said. “Agreed. “She said. 

“Ships records indicate that the dracoliens oroginated from the planet you call qonos a thousand of your years ago. “The robot said. 

“Should we revive the crew? We are still in danger. “Spock remarked. “I gues we can risk it. ” addison said.the robot agreed to get started. 

The robot started the process of reviving the crew of the vessel. Addison knew the risk of reviving the crew. They had little chioces. The ship needed a crew. They could be a big help. 

The leader of the group started to wake up. “114 who is this?” dorzend asked. “Im commander addison mccomic of the planet earth. We found your ship adrift.  “She said.

“Sir. Reactivation protocol failed. You are twenty years late. Conducting diagnostic.  Test stil inconclusive. ” the robot said.

“This is not good. Where are we?” the captain asked. “We are in a sector belonging to the united federation of planets. We are about where we expected to be. “The robot said. 

“Our shartle was attacked by an unknown vessel. We dont know who these people are. ” she said.

“Revevive the crew. I need information.  “The captain said. The robot agreed. 

“Commanders log the crew of the dracolien vessel have been revived.i am a little unesey about reviving a crew we know almost nothing about.i feel i have no chioce. I hope i have made the right decision.  ” she said.  

Office of the captain 

“Qonos was in a time of upheaval. Kahless had united the klingon people. The empire was begining to fracture. It was in danger of branching off and the empire ceasing to exist. An alien race feared that occurring.   They decided to move a group of people to a far off corner of the galxsy.we settled on a world we called dracol. We became curious. We lunched a hundred years ago to make contact. Somehow our ship did not reactivate the crew at the appointed time.  “The captain said.

“You came to contact the klingon?”she asked.  “Yes. We want to know what happened to them. Then we will report back. ” the captain told her. 

“I see. It was simply a contact misson?”addison asked. “Yes. That is correct. We have the stories but much has become mythological.  We want to see our ancient seams qonos is stil in our heart. “The captain said. “Of course. “Addison said. 

The ship was hit. “Report!”the captain ordered over the com pannel.” we are under attack by unknown war ship. “The first officer anounced. 

The captain and addison entered the bridge. Addison saw the ship from the view screen.  It was the same ship that attacked the shartle.”do you recognize this ship?”addison asked.  “Negitive. Ships sensors has no information on vessel. “The robot said. 

The enemy vessel powered up weapons. The vessel opened fire on the ship. The ship returned fire on the enemy ship. The enemy ship fired again.

“We inflicted minner damage on them. They seam to have advanced shielding.  “The weapons ofgicer said. “Stand by a micro butst. “The captain ordered. 

The weapons officer transfered power to the central turet. The turet powered up. The warship fired a large butst. The burst struck the ship. The enemy ship lost power for a split second.  

“We channel ships power to the central turet. We unleash a vest amount of energy. It drains our power. It is risky. I wanted to send him a message.  Do not mess with us. “The captain said. 

“The vessel is withdrawing. ” the science officer reported. “It knows that we are a formidable oponent. It wants to rebuild itself.” the captain said. 

“Do we persue?” the helm asked.”yes. ” he said. “Sir our power banks need to recharge.  “The science officer. “I will not give up on this ship. Persue!”the captain ordered. The pilot knew not to argue with his c.o. 

The ship laid in a persuit course. The dracole ship chased the ship. The ship fired on the enemy vessel. The vessel was hit. 

“There shields are below forty percent.”the science officer reported. “Hail them. ” addison ordered.”no! They are the enemy”the captain said. “They are the enemy.  That is all that matters.”the captain said. “We need to know why they have come to our space. “Addison said. “It us obvious. They are scout for an invasion fleet. Target that ship!” the captain said. 

Addison watched as the gumner aquired the target and then fired. The vessel took heavy damege. The ship fired back. “Shields holding. “The science officer reported.  

On the orders of the captain, the vessel fired on the enemy ship. The hostile was pumuled. The ship did not let up. It just kept fireing on the enemy ship. Addison wanted answers. She feared that the ship was going to be destoyed. The ship exploded.

“The vessel riged self destruct. ” the science officer reported.  Confirmed. “Another tech reported.addison had no idea what to do next. 

End of part five 

The jouney part four


“Ed! Ed i cant find addy!” silva said.edward ran to her room. “Dad her bear is gone!” gracie her step sister said. “Where would she have gone?”silvia asked.

A few days later she contacted them.”addison! We have been woried sick about you. Where are you?”mrs Mccormick asked. “I am at echo base. I am going to sign on to a freighter.  “She said.

“Addy come home!”edward said.”i want to go out into space.  I am not getting into star fleet. This way i can still go out to space. “Addison said.

“Captain malory said he could tutor yoy. Many of your teachers want to help. You can get in. You could always join as an enlisted person then become an officer later. Please dont do this? “Silvia said.

“I can get out there now. I can do this. “Addison said “this is impulsive.  You have not thought this though .”Edward said. “I have to do this. I am doing this. I talk to you as soon as you can. I love you. “She said. The screen faded.

The two were very woried for her.  They wish that she had not gone off on her own. There was not much they could do about that now.


“Dad. The freighter addison was on. It was destroyed. She is ok. She is at medical base murcy three. “Edward jr said. “Oh my!”silvia said. The two hugged.

Star fleet academy

Spock looked around the campus. He was different from other new cadets.  Manny were astonished. Many were overcome by just being hear. Spock did not feel that way. It was a new experience but it hardly produced an emotional response. Spock did anticipate being at the academy.  He found being hear agreeable.

“Hey! Welcome to the academy pleab!”an uper classman said. The cadet huged him. “You pretend to be friendly.  Yet yoy put a sign that instructs people to kick me. Not only is your behavior showing you to be two faced.  It is unbecoming a star fleet officer. It is reminiscent of romulons. That and it is not very original. “Spock told him.

“If you will excuse me!” cadet finnegin said. The man quickly walked again. If spock were a human he would be quite anoyed. Spock was not supportive of it. He. Hoped that finegin was not representative of all cadets.

His grandfarther was one of the first vulcans to interact with humans. His grandfarther strugled to find a way to interact with humans. Humans had changed quute a bit sence vulcans and humans had first met. His grandfarther witnesed that transformation first hand. Some humans like finnegin stil had rough edges.

“I am sory that happened.  We are not all like mr. Finegin. “A female cadet said. “I did not think that . i am cadet Spock. “He said. “Leila kolami.”she said.

“What is your major course of study?”spock asked.”botony. I wanted to go to the university of alpha dad is an admiral in star fleet. He wanted me to go to the acedemy. I decided to at least do a tour in star fleet. ” she said.

“You may decide to make a carer of iy in star fleet. “Spock said.  “Dont count on it. I am not sure i am cut out for military life. I know star fleet is not a military orginization.”she said.  “I understand.” spock said.  “Maybe i will stic around for a while. We will see. Time will tell!”she said. “Indeed. “Spock said.

Alien vessel


“I have lost the craft excelentcy. ” the science officer said “it has to still be inside the asteroid field? Enhance the sansors. “The ships prefect krutahn ordered.”we have sir. “Science officer druvet said. “Find that ship!” krutahn incisted. “Yes sir. Right away. “The science officer told him.

The science officer and his staff got right to work. They tried to do what the commanding officer wanted them to do. They knew failure was not wise.

The shartle neared the ship. It went inside. It went into a hanger bay. The craft went to a birth. The shartle activated the landing scruts.”docking acheved. You do know this could be highly unwise. “Spock said. “I am quite aware if that . i did not see any other choice. “Addison said. “I can understand that. I do think you made the right decision.  “Spock said.

The two got up from the pilots and co pilot’s chair in the cockpit. The two headed for the hatch. “Lets go see what we have got. “Addison sugested. Spock agreed. They headed for the egress.

They entered the hanger. “The ship has wciut vesels. Fighters flyers.a scout ship. I believe this may have been some kind of heavy crussers.”Spock said. “It may have been on some kind of deep space asignment. “Addison said.

“It may be a scout ship for a later invasion. “Spock sugested. “I thought i was suposed to be the cynical one. “Addison remarked. “I was mearly pointing out a n alternative not previously mentoned. “Spock answered. “I know. I apreciate that.  Your right. It could. I gues i would like to think that worlds venture out for more then just potential conquest. We do need to consider everything. ” Addison said.

They continued to move out. Spock took out his tricorder. He scaned the hanger. “I am not detecting anything out of the ordinary. “Spock said.

They exited the hanger deck.they entered the coridor. They found a terminal. Her tricorder scaned the computor. She tried to acess the ship’s information.

The tri corder tried to translate the infornation. “The langrege is similer to kizinti 325. “She said.

“You can read kizinti 325?”spock asked. “The freighter i served on did not always follow fedetation law. Sometimes we delt in blockade zone. K325 is a trade language in thw the non aligned sector. ” she said. “It could be significant that this ship used a language similer to a break away klingon repiblic. “Spock said.

“It could.  This ship is not in the galatic data base. “Addison said.”i find that unusual as well.  “Spock said.

A large robot moved in. “What are you doing hear?” the robot said. The robot scanned them. Addison ordered no interference.  Spock complied.

“Subject human. Femalr. Cutenly carying off spirng. Offspirng female. “The robot said. “Ryan and sarrk are going to be outnumbered. “Addison said.

“Subject vulcan human hybred. Male. “Robot said. “You know of our races?”addison asked. “My memory banks contain information regarding your species. “The robot said.

” where did this ship come from?” Addison asked. “This ship orignated from far away. Form a star syistom known as the dracole. This vessel was one of many ships lunaced to incestigate the glaxsy. Vessel sent to colect ibformation then one day transmit data to hime world. “The robot said. “Is there no crew abored?”spock  asked. “Crew is in syspended animation.  “Take us to them. “Addison said.

“Wete they soposed to revived at some point?”addisob asked. “Yes revival was to occur twenty ofyour years ago. Revival did bot occur. Do not know why. I was reactivated once your craft borded. “The robot aniunced.

“I wounder why the crew was not reactivated.  “Addison remarked.”i am conducting diagnostic on all systems. Atempting to asertain what went went wrong.  “The robot said.

The team entered the cryonic unit.the door opened. Spock,Addison and the robot entered the unit. Addison scaned the unit with the tri corder. “I am reading life signs. ” addison reported. Addison looked inside. She saw aliens resembled klingons.

Alien vessel


“Sir i have located the startle.  It located a derelict vessel.  It entered the vessel. ” the science officer reported. “Plot intercept course. I want that ship. “Khutan said. “Course plotted and engaged “the helm said.

The ship went to warp. It headed for the vessel. The ship headed for the unknown ship with weapons blazing. Shileds screen and weapons were fully activated and ready to go. The warship neared the orther ship.

Alternate reality

U.s.s enterprise

“We located the was fully destroyed.  Im sory sir. “Kolona said.  “Thank you for telling me . “ryan herington said. “I wanted you to hear it from me. “She said. “I appreciate that. ” ryan said. Ryan held his kids close.

End of part four.

Next up

Addison and spock revive the crew of the myaterious ship. The hostiles show up and open fire.

The jouney part three

Planet vulcan 

“Spock has excelled beyound what anyone could have imagined. “Amanda said. “Despite your hyperbole you are correct my wife.spock is bringing honor to his genetation. “Sarek said. “I was certain he would. “Amanda said.

“I will admit i had my concerns. It apears that i was incorrect.  “Sarek said. “I beleved Spock would. Yes i was being enotional. I believe in him. “She said. 

Sarek later spoke to spock.”the vulcan science acedemy is very carefull about who they alow in. This is a great hornor. “Sarek said.”yes it is. “Spock said.

Spock waw afraid to tell him the truth.  He beleved this was the best decision.  It might destroy the credibility he worked so hard to build all those years. 

“Farther i cannot go to the vulcan science adememy?”spock asked.”why?no vulcan has ever refused an appointment to the science acedemy.  It is considered a great privilege. “Sarek said.

“I have to decline father.  I believe my skills are best geared to something orther then the science acedemy.  I believe my skills  are best suited to join star fleet.”spock said. 

“There are few vulcans in star fleet.vulcans have saught to serve the federation in capacities other then star fleet. Star fleet is essentially  of by and for humans.”sarek said.

“I am aware of that.  I want to change that. The science acedemy deals with theoretical science. I wish to engage in more aplied science. Star fleet has dispoven long held beliefs and suposistions. Star fleet has advanced scientific understanding. “Spock said.

“Scientific reserch is an after thought. The science divisons play a secondary role to command officers.the captains are usualy what humans call grand standing. Most scientific advances were incidential. At the science acedemy you can devote yourself to science.”Sarek said.

“It would be from a distence. “Spock said. “To have to be at the forefront is human thinking. It is not logical. “Sarek said. “Vulcans do a diservice by not going into star fleet. It is not logical to cede an inportent component of the federation to another member world. Vulcan should be a vital part of the star fleet. “He said. 

“I do not agree. I am not soportive of this decison. I believe it to be based on faulty resoning. “Sarek said. “I had concluded that that would be your response. “Spock said.

“You have made your decision then? You will not retract it?”sarek asked. “No i will not revaluate it farther. “Spock told him.”i see. “His father said.


“Farther sees this as a betrayl of him?”spock remarked. “I think he knows you are making the corect decison.  He would prefer that you would do things his way. “Amanda said. 

“I believe i can contribute to the universe more in star fleet.  I do not know if no man can sumon the future. History is made by smal steps. I want to make those steps.there is much we do not understand. I would like to atempt to broden our understanding.  “Spock said. “Sarek will understand in time !”Amanda told him. “I syincerly hope that he does.”spock told him.acedemy


“I don’t have the grades for star fleet acedemy “addison said. “Captain malory think that you only have to get your grades up in a couple clases. He thinks your the kind of cadet they want. ” syilvia mccomic said. 

“I can’t do it. Not really.  I am not officer material and everyone knows it “addison said.”thats not true addison.  You have a gift . i know it and captain malory knows it. The admison conite will know it ” Edward said.

Asteroid field.

“We are holding posistion.”Spock said. “Will they folow us in or wait us out?” she asked. “They could wait and then get impatcient and come in. “Spock said. “I considered that.  I have always believed that you dont have to solve every problem all at once.  Baby steps. “She said. 

“I agreee. Always look at the big picture. ” spock said. “Remind me to never play chess with you.”addison told him. “Some humans have described it as iretating. ” spock said.”why does that not. Suprise me?”she asked.

“How are you feeling?” spock asked. “I am fine. I have had some small boats of morninh has mostly abated. “She said.

“Was the mental health commission concerned about your pregnancy and ability to serve as executive officer of the enterprise? “He asked.

“They were. They trust dr. Piper and doctor dahner. I agreed to bi weekly evaluation by dr. you think i am cut out for this?”addison asked.

“Yes you are. You will command a starship again. You might even make admiral.”spock said.”i hope not. I intend to make captain and stay there.  “She said.”i could see that. “Spock said. 

“I hope i can command again.  “She said. “I am confident that you will. ” what about you? Are you interested in commanding a starship?”she asked.

“I am open to it. I am content with my scientific duties. Were the opotunity to present itself,i would consider it. I do not what is the human expreson crave it. I am open to command. “Spock said.

“Captain spock has a nice ring to it.”she said. His eye brow was slighly raised. “Perhaps!” he answered.  

“If i ever became captain of a starship i would cobsider you for executive officer.  “She said.”it would be an honor to serve under you.  “Spock said.”very good.”she said.

“I am suprised you and my farther seam to have a report. I assumed you named your son after him.”Spock said. 

“I did. Your farther helped deliver sarek. I was transporting him to star base 12. An young orion who wanted to prove he could play with the big boys tried to kidnap sarek in federation space to score points within the syndicate. During a battle i went into labor. I saved his life he saved myine and my son. Do you resent me spock for it?”she asked.

“No i do not. It is difficult.  I am not jelous but i supose i could be.”spock said. “I understand.  I never intended to have the relationship with your farther you wissed to have. I think the world of the ambassador.  I have a different view of him. “She said.

“I would prefer yout view of him. I would like to know my farther in the way you do. “Spock said.  “Give it time. Perhaps you will. Dont give up on him.things change.  How you and him are now is not how it will always be. “She said. “I hope that you are correct. “Spock said. “Dont let the time passby. Dont alow the gulf to get wider.”she admonished him.”i will consider it.”he said. 

The ship was strcuck. “Impact form spacial charges.”spock reported. “I gues they got tired of waiting. “She said. “It would apear so. “Spock said in response. 

“My gues is that they wont stop. This is a shartle not a starship. “She said. “I agree commander. “Spock responded. “What we fly into the egress when another cherge is coninf at us. Use the event to cetipault us in the oposite direction.”she said.”risky but it could work.”spock said.

“Is it worth the risk?”she asked. “I believe so in this casr addison.”spock said. ” a vulcan that sounds like a ringing endorsement. “She said. 

The shartle waited.  When they felt a charge, the shartle flew at the wake. The ship was pushed back. The ctaft fell backward. 

Addison and spock were able to stop the ship. The ship was clear of the asteroid field. The craft went to an all stop. 

“We are now at all stop.”spock said.”hold posistion. “She ordered. Spock did so. “Helm answering all stop.”spock reported. 

“I am detecting a direilect vessel. It is adrift. I believe  It is a relic form long ago. The ship is opetational. We coukd use it to hide out from our friends.”she said. “It is a logical conclusion.”spock said.

“I never thought any one would call one od my ideas logical espcially a vulcan. “She said.”you fear that people dont accept you?”he remarked. “I lived in space with my perents . they were a bit excentric. Then my perents died.  I never quite fit in on earth. I dont really ft in any where have. Women with no world.”she said. “I can understand that. I have never quite fit in on vulcan or on earth. You make the best if it i supose.”he said. 

The shartle neared the ship. The shartle went into the hanger deck of the unknown vessel. The ship was inside. 

End of part four. 

The jouney part two

“Commander’s log,lt. Commander spock and i are on bored a shartle.while on route to the enterprise, an unknown ship has just entered the star syistom. They are heading right for us. “Addison said in her log. 

“The vessel is traveling at warp 8.9. It is armed with five photon toroedo banks. I am reading five phaser banks. The vessel is renforced by a material i do not recognize.  “Spock said. 

“It does not match with any known ship in the fedetation data base.”Addison said. “Should i atempt to hail the vessel?” spock asked. “Do it.”she said. 

Spock activated the com chanel. “Attention incoming vessel. This is the scout vessel Galileo.  We represent the united federation of planets. We request you please contact us. “The vulcan said.

The warahip mantained course for the shartle. “No response. “Spock said. “I am moving us away from the unknown.”addison said 

The shartle tried to move away from the unknown combat ship. “The ship has powered up its tractor beam.”spock said. 

“They get us in there tractor beam,its over for us. “Addison anounced. “That is a reasonable supposition commander. “Spock said. 

Addison knew how to think in her feet.  Her strategy was to keep moving. Stay in the game. Font give up. Move in baby steps. Dont give the oponent time to catch there breath. Wage a battle by slow attrition.  

The shartle flew into the ship’s main deflector dish. The shartle used the deflector to push off. The shartle used the inertia to generate more speed. The shartle went to the sship’s wall and bounced off. 

The shartle kept an interesting maneuver comnander.”spock said “acts of desperation mr. Spock. I refuse to yield. We cannot allow ourselves to be captured by these people. Who knows there intent. Thid could be a scouting party for a larger invadion or they could want our orgons. I am not keen on either. ” addison said. “Nor am i commander. I perfer my organs intact. “Spock answered. 

“Why spock was that a joke?”addison asked. “No it is a statement of fact.  I assure you that it is quite accurate.  “Spock said. “I agree with you whole heartily. “Addison responded.

The combat ship flew up to the shartle at high warp. It attempted to swoop down on the smal craft. 

Addison tried to acess the computer. “Acess the helm from your station.  I have an idea. “She said.  “You got it commander. Why do i think that your about to do something inadvisible and extremely dangerous? ” the vulcan asked. “I would like to say your way off but your not. “She told him. “I had a feeling that was the case. “The vulcan told him. 

The shartle emited an experimental pulse. The pulse hit the warship. The ship was temporily stuned.addison took advantage of the situation.  The scout craft flew inside the vessel. It bounced off the shields again.

The craft was catapulted away from the combat ship.  Addison emited a second pulse. The shartle kept going. 

“Are you ready for another desperate act?”addison asked. “I gues that i have to. “Spock said.”that is not quite the vote of confidence i was hoping for but ok. I gues it will have to surfice. “She said.

The ship was able to overcome its temporary paralysis. The combat ship neared the shartle.  The shartle apeared to be two ships. The ships went in oposite direction. 

The ship was not sure which ship was the real one. The real craft used that to its adventage. The craft tried to get away.  

“Spocj find me a nebula or an asteroid field!”she ordered.  Spock scaned the navigation program.he tried to find a safe harbor. A place to hopefully get away from the persuing warship. He knew he did not have a lot if time.  The next few secconds could determine rather or not they sucesfully get away or not. 

“I am detecting an asteroid field. I am ploting course for the field.”spock said. “Sounds good. “She said.

The shartle headed for the field. The ship neared the craft. The ship got the tractor beam ready to activate.addison took the shartle to its limits and beyound. 

The shartle went into the asteroid field. The shartle kept going. “Holding position.  “Spock said. “Lets go in futher into the field.”addison sugested.

The ship went further into the asteroid belt. The shartle then held position.  “For the moment they are not persuing! “Spock said. “They wont give up. They will wait. We brought ourselves more time. We now need to come up with a plan. “Addison said. “Agreed.  “Spock said. 



“My farther does not aprove of me?”a ten year old spock said. “Spock he values logic. He is from a noble family on vulcan. The sarek family has been actively involved in government service. There is pressure for all in this family to excell. You have grown Spock.  You have marured. You will bring hornor to him. I know you will. You will brung honor to your family and to vulcan.  I know he vailures you in his way. He has to be harsh on you. Hr has to push you. He knows you will live up to your potential. You will exceed his expectations “his morther amanda said.

“What if i do not morther.  What if i fall short?” the young Spock asked. “I know you wont. You do not give up. You do not accept failure. The kass wan suceded because you did not give up.dont give up spock. Dont give in to mediocrity.  I know you wont.”she said.

Sarek ovetheard the conversation.he took it all in. He then returned to what he had been doing. 


“Addy stil out there?”Edward asked.”she would not be our addy is she did not.  To me they are just stars. Not to her. I will never be able to keep her on earth will i” silvia Mccormick asked. “No. No matter where she goes she will always call hear home. This will be always be her home.  “Edward said. 


“Mom does not want me to go to space does she?”addison at age 8 asked. ” she wants you hear. You can’t blame you. She wants you safe. Space is dangerous. “Edward said.

“I know. It is also wounderous. I have to see it.”she said. “You have the dream of stars. Your mom is proud of you. She knows your destened to go out there. She will always worry about you. Promise you will always come back to us. We never want to replace your biological parents. We want you to always be a part of our family.  “He said. “I wont. I will always come back.”she told them. 

The shartle waited.  The shartle had to stay alive. They had to endure.  Could they?

End of part two. 

“The jouney” 

Previously on star trek universe

Addison mccomic was a promising up and commer in star fleet. She rose to command the enterprise. She had a nervous breakdown and was sent to an asylium planet.

During the mass crises she was reinsated to star fleet. She was assigned to the enterprise. She played a key role in the resolution to the crises. 

She was able to convince the federation mental heath council to release her jouneylba two.she was alowed to return to star fleet on a long term bases.  She would be subject to evalation from time to time.  

Now the jouney 



The area was a cave. Vulcans made exstensive use of caves.  Even now they still did. The former Amanda greyson found the prosoects of giving birth in a cave. Thr cave waa very developed.  It was not what she envisioned.  She was fine with it.

A midwife was there. Amanda had ajusted to life on vulcan.she had made frends hear. She respected the midwife.  Her husband looked on. He remained stoic as he usually was. 

The baby was born. He began to cry.the midwife looked him over.she presented him to sarek his farther. “Sarek your son! ” the midwife said.

He took him into his arms. He looked him over. “So human! ” he said. Amanda was tired.she tried to ignore the coment. 

Amanda wanted the best for her son.she hoped that sarek and spock could bond well whatever the non emotional equivalent was. She hoped they would get along some how. 

Planet earth 

Outside cconcord new Hampshire 

Republic of north and central America. 

“We unserstand your interested in adopting a child?”mrs. Hassan asked.”yes we are. We have two kids of our own but bryan is adopted.we know becuase of expansion into the frontier, things happen.  We would like to oppen our hearts  and home to a child. “Mrs Mccormick remarked. 

“Things on earth have improved substancially in the last one hundred and fithty years or so. Things do seam to happen.  We are inprresed with you. You both have a good reputation. We do have a child who needs placement. ” mrs hasan said. 

“You do?”edward mccomic asked. “A little girl. Addison jean. She was found in an esape pod. Her perents styled themselves as amateur exployers. They set out on there own adcenture. We dont know what happnesd to them,most likely, they were killed. There ship and there remains were never found. We are fairly certain thwy perished.  “The adoption agentcy oficial said. 

“I see. Can we meet her?”mrs Mccormick said.”of course. Follow me” carol hassan said. The Mccormick folowed the lady to a play area. A young girl of six was playing with a doll and a replica of an early federation starship. 

“Addison this is mr and mrs mccomic.” the lady told her. “Hi this is gracie. She is a starship captain. I want to be a starship captian some day. “She told them. 

They laughed.  They spent a few minutes talking.  Both perents fell in love with her almost instently. They decided to adopt her. After a time they were able to bring her home.

Mrs hassan was holding addison’s hand. Mr and mrs mccomic were wating for them.  “I got something for you addison.its toby the terg. “Edward said. She lit up and thanked him.she clutched on to him. It was a favorite for a long time. Edward picked her up. They signed paperwork and then they brought her home. 

Shartle Galileo 

“Commanders log ,lt commander spock and i have just left orbit of star base 42. We are heading back to the enterprise. “Addison said.

“So i understand you have been cleared to continue on the enterprise? ” Spock asked.

“Yes i pased all of the psicilogical evaluations.  I can continue as first officer on the enterprise. “She said.

“I am quite agreeable with that.  You are quite an asset to the enterprise crew. “Spock said.  “Thank you mr spock. That meens alot.” she said.

“I am sorry commander.  I did not meen to soy on you. I do hear things.” he said.”its ok commander. I am just sensitive about it. Sense i was a kid i wanted to be in star fleet.  If i sudently could int i dont know what i would do. Ryan can excel at just about anything. Mayby i could but i dont want to. It just make me jitery. My hormones are a bit in overdrive right now with baby number three.”she said.

“I did not meen to spy on you. As i said i am agreed with the decision to clear you for duty. “Spook said.

“Perimiter alert. “The computor vioce said. “Of course. Computor identify !”adison said. 

End of proulougue

Next up.

Addison and spock must elude an unknown ship. 

Preservers and the preserved the conclusion.

“Acting captains’s log, the enterprise has sicured the colony ship. The enterprise and the colony ship are heading out of Assana space and on course back to the planet orbrist. While the ships loyal to quter seamed to have gotten away. The asana do not like tresspassors so they may not get far. “Ryan said.


“We are now heading out of Assana space.”niles said.”I won’t miss it.”Mia said.”I don’t think any of us will. ” Ryan said. “This was the weirdest fixed relocation.” Dr. Piper said.”yes it was. Aliens who did it believed that they doing it for the banefits of the people. Maybe.they. Ight beloved that or maybe they do not. It is unclear.”Dr. Dahner said. “I have a feeling we have not seen the last of quter. Many we will get a break for a while.”Ryan said. “How do you think the captian is doing?” Terasha asked. “Good question.”Ryan said. 

The shartle got away form the shock wave left form the explosion. The shartle was on course back out of tholien space.norris was stunned. His night mere had come true. He had in a way shut down. He had trouble processing all of this. How could any one do this. He had experienced so much loss. How could he survive this time? 

“I just heard form the gateway. They are standing by to bring us back to the base in anvar.” Gioto said. “,Bary. It can’t end this way!”the captian said. “Look I don’t like this any more than you do Ben. I don’t know what we can do now. It is over now. “The security chief said. “I can’t accept that. There must be an answer. ” Ben said. 

“I don’t see how. “The security chief said. ” Time travel. We can go back in time. A few minutes before. W can sicure the ship. ” Norris said. “I had a feeling that that was where you are going with this. This is a bad idea Ben. “He said. “I know that. I have to do this. Whatever hapends I have to.”Ben said.”well technically we are both off duty. I can’t stop you. I have some reservations but I understand. I don’t know if I would do anything different were I in your place. Very well. I assume your planing to slingshot around the sun. ” He said. “Yes. I am not Mr spock. I think I can do the computation. “He said. “Let’s get to it!”the security chief said. 


U.s.s enterprise 


“Now in orbit .”miles reported. “Ready to end the tractor beam.”spock said.”disengage tractor beam.” The captian ordered. The science officer ended the tractor beam. The ship was now on its own power. “Ship has assumed standared orbit.”spock said. “Then I assume repatriation can begin.”Dr. Piper said.”I am woried about both the rinsd and Murat. “Liz said.”I know what you mean. ” Ryan said. “The plan by quter may have failed. The legacy may remain. ” Dr. Piper said. “, Unfortunately that is usually how it goes.”Kirk said. 

“Anvar prime report that the shartle sent a message that kalera was killed. The ship destroyed. They have not heard anything sense then.” The Klingons female com tech reported.the bridge crew was stunned. This was not what the crew wanted to hear. The bridge crew including yeoman Smith was astonished. “Keep on monitoring the com Chanel’s. “Ryan ordered.”you got it.”the com tech said. 

The shartle 

“We ready when you are.” Gioto said. “Let’s do this.”he said. The shartle headed into the sun. The shartle began the sling school munuver. Images pooped into his head. 


Captian Norris was in a dress uniform . He was with his senior staff. They were all in dressing uniform. It was a date funeral in ki bartan. It was in the Senate chamber. The preator conducted the processing. Her father and siblings were there.  It was a somber occasion. 

After noris went over to her farther. “I am very sorry for your loss senator.”Norris said.”you killed you. I will not never forgive you. There will be no peace as long as you live. “Her farther said. He started to attack him. The pretorian gaurd had to remove the senator form the captian. Norris decided to beam back to the enterprise. 

He saw the enterprise under attack. “Shields at forty percent.”spock said. The enterprise was under attack by three bird of prey and a war cruiser. The enterprise tried to fight back but it was a losing battle. The bridge exploded. The science station exploded. Spock was killed instantly. The com officer kolona was killed when he com station exploded. 

The captian ordered the crew to abandon ship. The enterprise exploded. The pods left the enterprise. Norris saw himself on romulous. “You killed my daughter. “Her father now prator said. He was out on trial. He was rescured by Star fleet. It caused an incident. 

“For the good of the service I am resigning James.”he told admiral komack.”I hate to lose you. I feel that I have to accept your resignation. ” The admiral said. “I understand sir.”he said. 

Norris saw his life flash before him. He saw his childhood. His attending Star fleet command.the war with the Klingons. The furneral of Jason. The mass crises . The after math.nomad,the zombie incident and quter. The shartle passed. 

“I have found the warship.”giotto did.”hurt Barry!”he pleaded.the shartle went at full impulse towards the warship. “How do we sicure this ship before the warship explodes?” Chief gioto asked.

The shartle neared the warship. Noris clad in the environment suit blasted his thruster suit towards the ship. Noris used a granade to the ship. The door opened. He got inside the ship. He tried to find kalera. “Laurie! Laurie! “He said. He ran though the corridors .He knew he did not have a lot of time. He kept running and holowerd for hr. He could not losses her again. He had lost so much. He did not want to lose any more members of her family. 

He heard a noise. He followed the sound. He ran inside. She was in a room.she was restaned. He ran insid. He struggled to he restraints off. The chair was rigged to explode.he picked her up before the chair exploded.he activated the rocket pack. 

The two moved out. The explosion continued. “Barry start your run!”Norris said.”you got it . I am on my way!”bary said. The two moved. He flew into space. She was exposed to space but he felt he had no choice. The shartle swoped inside. They ran in. She was cold.giotto took out a hypo spray . 

She woke up . She was in a blue sick bay night gown. She realized that she was in the enterprise. She felt weak. She started to become more and more coherent. She realized that someone was holding her hand. She had a feeling she knew who it was. She suspected that he had been there for a while. 

“Hey hunie.i wondered if you were ever going to wake up.”he said.,”I knew you would com after me. “She said.”there had to be a better way to get my attention then getting kidnapped”he remarked.”it was the best I could come up with at such short notice. ” sHe said. “Oh OK! ” he said. 

“Don’t scare me like that again OK?”Norris asked “I will try not know Me I have a knack for getting into trouble” he said. “I have noticed that. ” Norris said. “Was quite stoped?”she asked.”for now. I suspect that the one true path will be back.for right now the group has been felt with a major set back! ” He said. “Good. I am glad to hear that.”she said.

“Laurie my heart is heavy.jassons death is still an open wound. It will take a long time to heal. Dspite that I can’t deny how I feel. I don’t want to . I love you Laurie. “He said. She smiled.she squezed his hand. “I have known that for a while. I never doubt that. I love you. ” She said. They kissed.

“Really. Can’t you wait til she is released form sickbay?”Piper asked.”I am afraid that may be a while. You are known for your caution.” Norris said.”he has a point there doc?”nurse chepel said.”Cary on!”Dr Piper said. 


Ben and makers walked hand in hand . They headed into a turbo lift. ” So are you still considering leaving star fleet?”she asked.” I still don’t feel it. I am putting it off for now. The Galaxy is still licking it’s wounds. I will stick around. I think I can do some good.”he said.”you absolutely can. I am glad. I think it is the best decision . “She said.

“Star fleet is not thirled that I abadonded my post and went after you but  I still have a lot of capital form the mass crises. I will be fine.”he said. “,Thank you.”she said. “Whose turn for dinner?”,he said. “I got this one. I want to test out a hybrid of earth dish and romukan.”she said. They entered the bridge.

“Captian on the bridge” yeoman Smith said. ” What are we waiting for. Let’s get underway.”the captian declared. ,”Course plotted.”Mia said.”,ready on your order.”Kirk said. “Engage!”noris said. 

The end 

Universe one a mysterious alien race suddenly want to talk 

Universe two spock and adison are trapped on a shartle . 


Preservers and the preserved part six

“personal log , Benjamin Norris reporting.Quter a man who went form an admirer of the preservers to starting a cult honoring the preservers. The cult once tried to start a war between the Klingons and the federation in order to destabilize the qudrent. Now they want to become the preservers. At the same time he had developed a hatred for me. He has now kidnaped kalera a romulan scientist and government official. She is also a women I am in love with. He has insisted that I help her or a group of aliens they have abducted. I chose to go after he. Was it the right decision I don’t know. It is what I have to do. ” 


“You really care about her don’t you?”the security officer asked.”I do. I did not realize it until now. You know before she was kidnaped,she and I kissed we almost . I recoild. “Ben said.”because of what happened during the war?”he said.”I know she was a soldier and was doing her duty. I still cannot get pass it. Yet I do care about her. If I had not recoiled,she might not have gone back to the ship. Her life might not be danger. “Norris said. 

“We are nearing the planet anvar. “,Gioto said. “OK! Let’s do this.”he said. “I got permission from anvar to use the gateway. We will be transporting into hostile space. The tholien are isolationist and xenophobic and we believe ethnocentric. They claim anything near there space. Pining down what is tholien space is difficult. The tholien don’t like tresspasors. The tholien will shoot any unothorized ship without asking questions. “He said. 

“If I do get it back. Can I get pass this. If there is to be a brave new world our generation will have the hardest life living in it.”Ben said.”every revolution begins with a single decision.”giotto said. The anvar base teleported the shartle to tholien space. The shartle was gone. 

U.s.s enterprise 


Ryan Harrington went to the conference room. He straightened out his uniform.he took a breath. Odd he had left this life. When he went into reserve status he intended to leave that life behind. Now he was he was in operational command if the enterprise. He was ready as ready as he could be. 


He entered the bridge. “Duty officer on the bridge !”yeoman Smith said.”captian noris has temporarily stepped down .I am assuming command of the enterprise please note time and date in the log. “Ryan said.”,noted “spock said. ” Alright. “He said.”Star fleet command is sending every ship in the area to hear for the asana space. “The Klingons con tech said. “It still may take time for the ships to arrive.”Kirk said! “It could. OK let’s do it. Navigator set the course ” he ordered.”course plotted .”Mia reported. “Engage !”Ryan ordered. The enterprise went to warp. 

Asana space 

The asana were a regional power. The asana were authoritarian. They were isolationist. Unlike the tholien they were not expansionistic. They wanted to control there sphere of influence but not really concerned with outside there sphere of influence. They are a kind of religious military regime as well.the military and religious leaders rulein a kind of partnership.the asana and the federation are in a date of hostility. So far it had not turned into a shooting war. The federation tried to avoid it! So far they had. This could change with this incident. 
U.s.s enterprise


“Now crossing into Adana space.” Spock reported.”shields up yellow up.”Ryan ordered. “Shields and screens are active .”Mia reported. “Wepaons standing by. Hope we don’t need um”Kirk said.”agreed.”Ryan said. “We are now in assana space.” Spock reported. “Scan for any signs of the colony ship.”Ryan said. “We have been detected.two battle crushers heading right for us.”spock reported.”kolona send the following code. 7765477 a. Under arrival five of the articles of interstellar law,when diplomatic contact is problimetic ship can enter into sovereign territory for such reasons. “He said.

“Code sent. ” Kolona said. “We are being hailed. ” The Klingon added. “On screen. ” He said.”,greatings in the name of the jurendra. Date your business.”commadore cerzini said.”a terrorist organization has taken refuge in your space. A group that believes they can achieve god good.”he said.”no one can  become a god ! That is blesphemy! ” The comadore said. “This group had kidnaped a group of people to I’ll reasons. We are hear only to retrieve the colonest and stop this group. “Ryan said. “How do I know this is not a trick?”the commadore asked. “The federation is not interested in . Military expansion. ” The captain said. 

“We will be watching captain! ” The commadore said. The screen faded. ” You have not memorized the intire articles of interstellar law have you? ” Kirk asked. ” I have. I recited them to addy. She was thrilled and horrified at the same time! ” Ryan said. ” I can see why!” Dr. Piper said. 


The startle was teleported to the tholien space. “No sign of tholien. ” The chief said. “Good I have tholien webs.”the captian said.”I don’t blaime you there.”the security chief said. “I found the ship. There is a romulan life form.”he said. “Could I ever fall in love with a romulan. Can our race s even peacefully do exist ?”he asked.”on course. Ben you already have fallen in love with a romulan. The question is will you act on it.”chief said. “We have to get out of this first. ” The captain said. “We will. “The chief said.

The startle headed for the warship. “That’s odd. I am only detecting one life form. Rihansu,!”the chief said.”,dawn it. It’s a trap! No! No it can go down like this! I can’t let her die. “He said. “I am detecting an energy disturbence.that ship is about to blow!,” The security chief reported. 

Ben noris froze. Gioto took the startle out of the explosion. The shartle veered out if the way. The  ship explode. The shartle made it out of the wake. The wake passed. Noris was still stunned. 

U.S.s enterprise


“I have located the colonial ship. It is gaurded by four vessels. Similar designs to the flagship. Older ships retrofitted with more advanced weapons” spock reported. “Plot intercept course. ” Ryan ordered. Mia bolt altered the course and Kirk engaged the course. “On course !”Kirk said. The ship heades for the ships.



“I have located the enterprise .It is on a direct Intercept course.” The sansor monitor reported. “Just one ship. Very well. Give me your worst enterprise!”quter said.  

The enterprise went at the fleet at high warp. “Spock call up the data on these class of vessels and the sansor logs of the retrofit!”Ryan said. “You have not memorized it ?”Dr. Piper commented. He gave him doctor a dirty look. The doctor backed off. He looked it over. “I have an idea. “Ryan said. 

Soon the the enterprise and the enemy fleet were near fireing range. The enterprise fired an energy burst from the deflector dish. The pulse was designed to decrease the structural integrity of one of the escort ship. The enterprise followed up on phasers on the nearest ship. 

The ships returned fire on the enterprise. “Minnor damage but we are OK.” Niles reported. “Proceed other our plan!”Ryan ordered. The enterprise moved backward. The enterprise emited a wide dispersal of the enufgy pulse. The pulse hit the fleet. Everything but the colony ship. They ignored the colony ship intentionally. They did not want to harm the Murat.

The ships were hit but the ships were still intact. The enterprise deployed mines near the combat ships. The mines went off. The mines Used by Star fleet were designed to make not destroy. The plan was to slow the enemy down not to destroy. The federation believed in defensive action not offensive unless necessary. Efforts should be taken to avoid it if possible. 

The enterprise moved to the colony ship. The ships could not get pass the mines. It was doing its job. The enterprise ran to the colony ship. Kirk and an landing party left the enterprise. Several shartle headed for the colony ship. The shartle serounded the colony ship. 

The shartle stopped. Krik and a  group of secuity officers excited the shartle.they wore environmental suits. The officers were heavily armed with environmental phaser riffle. Kirk and the team activated the thruster packs. The team neared the colony ship. Lt.galloway and Leslie lunched transfers dsinged to withstand the structural integrity of the ship. The wall caved in. The team stormed the ship. 

The team moved out. The secuity officers moved out. They fired on the colony ship’s acuity forces. Then robotic dronws fired on the team. The team fired on the drones. The drones were heavily shielded. The enterprise crew continued to fire on the gaurds and the drones. 

The enterprise fired on the colony ship. The colony ship fired back. While the other ship were unable to get to the colony ship or the enterprise. While Kirk and his crew tried to advance . They trid to get closer to the ship. The security team tried to focus on the humanoid attackers and not the drones tried to take advantage of that. They tried to hit the enterprise team hard. 

The drones fired on the enterprise crew. One of the drones came at a security guard. The gaurd tried to defend himself. Kirk came at the drone and hit him with a phaser. Part of the the drone exploded. Leslie ,Galloway and lemili fired on the drone. The drone  exploded. 

The drones and the descending crew of the colony ship came at the landing party form enterprise. The team fired on the attackers. The team advanced. They headed further into the ship.

The team sealed the door. They headed further into the ship. They neared where the colonest was. The colonest were still heathy. They had been well cared for surprisingly. 

“Sir there shields are down””spock said.”engage tractor beam on that ship.”Ryan ordered. The enterprise engaged a tractor beam. “I have the ship in tractor beam.”spock reported. “Get us out of hear before the combat ships get pass the mines or the asana change there minds.”Ryan said. The enterprise went to warp with the colony ship. 

To be concluded. 

Preservers and the preserved part five 

“Captain’s log the enterprise has returned to the planet anvar prime. The rinsed people have returned to there village. Dr. Dahner and her star have begun working with the tribal people. Star fleet will be sending a sociology team to the planet. While the anvar president is continuing a safe of emergency but the emurgentcy order had been downgraded but the patrol continues. While the president has invited myself and my senior staff to the planet for a safe dinner. 

Anvar city

“Addison how are you feeling?”the captain asked. “Better! Thank you captian.”Addison said.”glad to hear it.”the captain said. The captain moved on. “How are things of?”he asked the com officer.”I still feel odd but Dr. Piper says it should pass.”she said.”glad to hear it. ” He said. “I just have to take it one day at a time!”she said.”Kathy that’s all you can do. “Norris said.” Perhaps ! ” He said. 

“May I have everyone’s attention. Captian Norris to you and your crew,on behath of the anvar association,I offer my heart full thanks.”the president said. The assembled guest clapped. “I present to you the Medel of association. “The president said. There was claps and applause. Then the tribal chief got up. “Captain Norris. On behath of the rinsed people we are in your debt. We will never forget you and all you have done for us! We present to you the iron bow award.”the chief said. The medel was placed on his neck.

“On behath of the enterprise and the united federation of planets,I accept these award.i Wish the poeple of this association and the rinsed tribe all the best. I hope to visit this world again and Renee my ties with you.”noris said.After the ceremony there was a time of food and festivities.  Norris hatted pomp and circumstance  especially when he was the center of attention. He put up with it for the shake of diplomacy. He was in essence a federation ambassador so he act like one even though he preferred not to! He would get over it.

The crew was enjoying it. He was woried about kolona.kolona had been taken over by a Klingon zombi virus. She had a difficult transition and recovery.she was slowly getting back into the swing of things. He noticed something seam to be developing between her and junior helm officer Lee Kelsi. He was not sure but it seemed like it was. They looked like they could be a cute couple. . He was not sure if it was a couple but it looked like it. 

He was impressed with his crew. He felt like he had the best of the best. Addison and Jim were both future captians.he was sure if that. He looked forward to  both of there carers. Dr. Pipper was old and was opinionated but he was one of the best medical officers in the fleet.secuity chief gioto was opinionated as well. He would trust him with his life . Chief engineer hallak was a great engineer. He was one of the best engineers in the fleet. Dr. Dahner was a great psychologist.he respected commander jessep. He liked terasha as well. Mia bolt had a bright carer if her own.she would make a great commander of a starship as well. 

The festivities started to wind down.he told Ryan that he was going for air. He got up and went inside.kalera saw him leave.she decided to give him a minute. He went to the door.he tried to keep his departure low key.he planet to step back in at some point.he just wanted a minute. 

He looked outside. It was a beutifull planet. He hoped that this incident would not ruin the delicate balance that all societies had achieved.he did not want cuter to win in any way shape or form.Not even a moral victory. He wanted quter to lose. He looked up at the stars. He knew that were not earth stars. They were still stars. After a few minutes he turned around and saw kalera. “Cosmic thought’s”she asked.”just doing some thinking. Star fleet has given myself and the senior staff commendations for how we handled this mission. Anvar wants to set up more diplomatic ties with the federation. It all feel so empty Laurie!”he said.

“Your ready for the next adventure. “She said.”no that’s not it. Addison ,Kirk they have the dream of stars. Not me. In the 23rd century that’s what you do. You go to Star fleet. That’s not me not really. I wrote the letter. I have not sent it. I am pretty sure I will.”he said.”it would be a great loss to Star fleet. I would have thought this might change your mind. You have done good Ben. You cooled heads in the mass crises then the aftermath.You felt with homes and the zombies. “She said.

“I’m tired. I have no time in between. It’s been one crises after another. I need time!”he said!”,look you have time off time. Let’s go to my family’s resort near gilgathon.its breathtaking. We can sit with a picnic lunch. We don’t have to think anything else. I would love to show you my world.”she said.”what would your father say?”he asked.”he is a key ally if the predator. The preator favors the alience so I think it will be OK! “She said.”that might be nice!”he said.”we could go to earth. First your family. You could meet your new neice. After a few weeks of leave you might change your mind. ” She said. 

“Mayby! Right now I feel trapped. Uncertain.”he said.”I know. Give it time Ben. “She said.,”time heels all wounds!”he said!.” Regret ,painful memories. They will always be there . They can not sting as bad. “She said. They started to kiss. He backed away.”I can’t right now! This is not the time!”he said.”I know . I will be hear when you are ready.”she said. 

He stayed there and looked up at the stars for a bit. Then he went back inside. “You OK ?”Ryan asked.”of course !”he said.”where is kalera?”Ryan asked.”I am not sure. I assume she went back to the ship.”,he said. He did not want to think about it right now. 

U.s.s enterprise

Kalera beemed on the ship.”good evening !”of.kyile said.”good evening Mr.kyile! ” She said.she tried not to act sad.she left the transporter room after she felt protocol permitted it. The door closed. She went to her qurers. She closed the door. She did not know what to think. She heard a noise. She opened her bed room. “Kalera! I presume!”she said.”what are you doing hear?”she asked. ” Your captian is quite whiting.first he stopped my plans at building up a new preserver order. Now he stopped my plans to move a group of people. I cannot allow it to go unanswered. I want to “thank ” him for all he has done for me. ” He said.

She tried to get to her phaser.he stunned her. He beamed off of the ship. He used iconian technology. It was untracible. He had time. Time for the next phase of his plan. He would win. He was determined to win. 

On the planet his communicator went off. He flipped it on.”Norris hear. “He said.”,sir! An Aboriginal race on the planet orbrist five has dissapered. It was similar to what happened on anvar. “Nilles reported.”alright . Have the com officer inform them that we were on our way!”Norris said.”aye sir!” Lt. Niles said.”then prepare to depart. The senior staff will be beaming back shortly. “The captian said. 

He went back to the table.”quter has struck again.This time on orbrist.they have asked our help. I want you to have the senior staff prepare to return to the ship. I will inform the president. ” He said!.”understood!”,Ryan said.”I was hoping for more lag time! I guess not this time!”,he said..”we will muddle though!”,,Ryan said.”,yes we will!”,he said.

The captian went to the president.ryan informed the crew. Soon they would all beam back to the ship and prepare to leave the planet. They had no idea that this time quter had an ace in the hole.he had kalera. He thought he had Ben Norris as well. What would the captian do? 


“Captian on the bridge!” Yeoman Smith said.”all decks stand ready. “Ryan said.”Mia take us out of orbit.”he ordered.the enterprise left orbit.”we are clear.”kirk anounced.”best speed to orbrist.”he ordered.”course plotted.”Mia reported.”engaging now!” Kirk said.the enterprise went to warp. “Now on course.”kirk said.”where is kalera?”Dr. Piper asked.”I stopped by her quarters she never answered.”jessep said.” I will go check up on it. Ryan you have the bridge!”he said.”aye sir.”Ryan said. He went to the turbo lift. The door closed.

He senced that something was wrong. He just did not know what. “Crew deck!”he said. The lift sped.his heart raced. It seemed like an eternity. All he could think was move !Move! Finally the door opened. He ran though it. He almost ran into a crewman. He apologized then kept on going. He made it to her quarters. 

He rang the chime. Nothing happened. He decided to inciate the emurgentcy override. The door opened. He saw a device scan him.a hollow Image appeared. “Well hello commander ,we meet is my Duty to Cary on . The work of the preservers. It is your duty to try to stop me! You will fail! That is your fate! I have decided to what is the human expressing throw a monkey ranch into the whole thing . You see I refuse to play fair. You are right I have liberated the Murat people from orbrist. I will take them to a new world. A world of there own. This time I will succeed. I have kalera! She is tholien space. I am near Asana space. You can either save your precious Laurie or you can save the Murat. If you do not try to save her I will kill her. I am more prepared this time should you try to go after me. What happened before will not happen this time! What will it be? Will you save the Murat or will you save Laurie? So sad. So epic. The captain with two choices but I. Reality no choice. Does he pick duty or love? Does he betray all he is or does he betray the one he loves? So horrible. I will leave to pounder your choices. Good day!” He said.

The image raised. He threw the hollow imager across the room. He had no idea what to do. He had to do something. He had to stop quter and save Laurie. Could he do both? He feared he could not. This rarified him. He collected his composure then he left the quarters. 


He entered the bridge. He waved off the “captain on the bridge!” That yeoman Smith would usually say. “We have a problem. Kalera has been taken.its quter. ” The captain said. “I assume he used iconians technology. “Spock said. “That is my assumption as well. ” The captain said. We sucured the facility on anvar.”the security chief remarked. ” perhaps they located another one. ” Hallak said. 

“He sent a hostege tape if you will. He  claims that he is holding her in he tholien anex and the Murat in asana space. According to him I have two choices.either save kelera or save the Murat.he says if I don’t come to her he will kill her. “The captain said.

“I can’t believe that he will just let you leave with her.”Ryan said.”I know that . He can’t be trusted. I have my orders. We promised that we would protect the Murat. We do know that they are in asana space. We will head for asana space. Set the course Mia!”the captian ordered. Mia altered the course.the usually confident bolt nervously altered the course. She anounced that the course was set.

“Will quter contact us again?”Ryan asked.”I don’t know.  I am sure what his plan is. On the one hand he made it clear that he wants to resettle the Murat to another planet. He also states that he wants me to try to stop him. I believe this is a game to quter. He wants to beat me. I have become the face of the anti preservers. The old order. He wants to stop me. He wants an epic battle. Until we hear from him or unless we will head for asana. “Norris said. The bridge crew got to work. 

“Ryan ! With me. “Norris said. They went to a corner. “Ry! I am going after kalera. I am going to go to ambar. Use the gateway and try to get kalera back.take command of the enterprise. Stop the plot. ” He told him.”Ben this could be a trap! ” “Ryan said.”he is playing us. He believes that he is in control of the game. Right now he is. I won’t let kalera die. If it were addy could you?”he asked.”no I could not. ” Ryan Said.” I have to do this . “Ben said. “Alright I will sucure the Murat. ” Ryan said. He nodded. “Good!”Ben said.”this could be hopeless Ben.”Ryan said.”I know but I have to try.” He said.”very well!” He said.

The two dispersed. Ryan went to the command chair. Norris left the bridge. Commander giotto left the bridge. “Captian Norris is stepping aside for now.i am assuming command please note the time and date in the log. “Ryan said. 


“Captian where are you going?”gioto asked.”for a little stowl !”he said.”let me guess to tholien space.”he said.”I have to do this. We have a lot of issues. I can’t over the fact that she fired the schot that killed my brother. I can’t get over it. She is part of my family. “He said. “Let me go with you. “He said.”bary I might not be coming back.”he said.”you probably won’t if you don’t take me along.”he said.”alright let’s go.” He said.

The shartle lunched. The galio left the enterprise. The shartle headed back to anvar. The enterprise headed for asana space. 

End of part five.

Preservers and the preserved part four

U.s.s enterprise

“Captian log,there are stories of unknown Aliens. These aliens seam to be the champion of the vioce less. They stepped in to aid minority groups oppressed etc. They built oubulisk designed to repel asteroid. Thrre have been documented cases of asteroids about to pummel planets all of a sudden repealed at the last positive second. Some are come to have a warped sense of gratitude. Some have even resorted to a kind of worship. Some of it is benign but some have become cultic.” Noris said.

“That was certainly the case with quter. According to the information I have. Quter witnessed a last minute intervention. His world was saved. He became obsessed with the preservers. He had carried out terrorist attacks. Now he is planing to embark on a plan to move a group of Aboriginal group on one world and move them to a new world. ” 

“I can’t help but think that this is a bad idea. In this I am not sure there is malicious intent. If quter believes that he is a successor to the preservers,he could be very dangerous. Far more dangerous then he had been.” Norris said.


 “He has sped up to get closer to us.”spock said.”he is in a hurry. “Ryan said. ” He will be in weapons range in a few minutes.”security chief gioto said. ” Keep on our toes people!”Norris said. “We are being hailed.”kolona reported. “On screen!”Norris said. 

Captian Norris got up from his chair. The screen was activated. “Ah commander Norris it is agreeable to see you again. ” Quter said.”I doubt that. It’s captian now.”he said.”a promotion. . Congratulations.i cannot think of anyone as deserving as you. “Quter said.

” Look I am hear to retrieve the hosteges. ” Captian Norris said. ” They are not hosteges commander ah captian !” Quter said. “Then what are they ? You abducted them form there homes. Your transporting them against there will.” Norris remarked. 

” They are stifled on anvar. They require wide open spaces. A place with no limitations. They are opressed. Not as we define it but oppression all the same. They need a world all there own. ” Quter said. 

“You are not a preserver. ” Norris said. “Not yet. I am hear to continue there work!” Quter said. ” I am hear to stop you!” Norris said. “You are outnumbered commander. You cannot stop my ships. ” Quter said.

“End transmission!” The captian ordered. The Klingons tech deactivated the view screen. “Chanel closed.” The Klingons reported. ” go to work chief!” The captian ordered. The security chief presed a button. A device designed to jam the shields. The enterprise fired on the two ships. It fired a berage of phasers and photon torpedoes at the two other ships. The enterprise did not give them time to react. 

The lead ship fired on the enterprise. “Shrikes holding. ” Gioto reported. The enterprise was hit again. The rear of the ship was hit. The blast reverberated throughout the ship. The impact was felt everywhere including the bridge.”shields at 90 percent.”spock said. ”

“Return fire!” The captain ordered. The enterprise fired again on the lead ship. The bridge of the enemy command ship rocked back and forth. “Your going to do better then that captian. A lot better.”quter said. 

The lead ship fired on the enterprise. The ship was hit. ” Shields at 80 percent.”spock reported. ” We have to get the colony ship away form the main attack force. “Norris said. 

The enterprise fired on one of the nearest attack ship. The enterprise came at the ship and bounced off its shields. It fired on another ship. The shields were down. The enterprise then hit the other ships. 

“Both ships shields are down. “Spock said. “Good schooling Mr. Kirk”Norris said. Jim nodded. “Alright get me to the colony ship.”Norris ordered. The enterprise warped to the colony ship. The lead ship arrived and fired on the enterprise. 

“Not so fast commander Norris. I am not going anywhere! Not when I have come so far.” Quter said. The lead ship and the other remaining ship fired on the enterprise. Several decks were damaged.”damage on multiple decks. Damage  control teams sent to affected decks.” Kolona said. 

Enterprise hit back! The enterprise fired phasers and photon torpedoes.the enterprise fired on both the lead ship and the other ship. The two vessels were hit. The valet were mostly in the rear of the ships. The enterprise tried to get to the colony ship. 

The lead ship ran after them. The lead ship tried to put a wedge between the enterprise and the colony ship. Mia and krik flee the ship at high warp into the lead ship. The enterprise moved away and ran towards the colony ship.the lead ship was on them. The enterprise unleashed more phasers and photon torpedoes. 

“We are being hailed !”the com tech anounced. “,Alright let’s hear it.”the captian ordered. ” Commander you can’t win. Besides your denying them paradise” quter said. “Paridise according to your terms.” Norris said. ” The preservers are worthy of accolades.”quter said. “We are holding our own quter.even under these odds. ” Norris said. ” You have two choices Ben.eitger you withdrawal or I will destroy the colony ship.” Quter said. 

“You would kill your own followers and those you claim to want to save? ” Elizabeth asked.” In war there are always casualties. Coleteral damage. You have no choice! “Quter said. 

” Back off Mia!,” Norris said. “Captian?”Mia asked. “Follow my orders l.t!”Norris ordered. The enterprise backed off. “The enterprise is backing off.”one of his hechman anounced. “He is smarter then I suspected. “,Quter commented. 

The enterprise started to move away. The colony ship moved away with the other ships. ” I wish we could use the gateway.”Norris said. “They are blocking it somehow.” Gioto said. “We have to find another way. “Norris said. “Mines perhaps.” Ryan asked. “They will expect them. ” Gioto said. “Spcial charge . We can separate the fleet form the colony ship. Then go in and bored it. “Kirk said. “How do we know that the colony ship crew won’t kill the hosteges or destroy the ship by auto destruct?” Ryan said. “We have no way of knowing how many of the crew are on bored. Many we could incompacitate them. ” Dr. Piper said. 

“This could be a big risk. We could be wrong” Ryan said. “We have to do something. The further they get the more danger they are in.”Dr.piper said. “I agree. Quter is emotionally unstabe. I believe he would kill the hosteges if he was pushed against the wall.”Liz said.”I suspect that as well. ” captian Norris said. “So what do we do besides nothing?”Dr. Piper asked. 

“Captain I have an idea!” Spock said. ” Why am I not surprised. OK let’s have it. ” Captain Norris ordered. ” I suggest we use a device that will disperse a non lethal bass to incompacitate the crew and everyone else. We can use a series of non lethal mines. Then I can get on bored and disable the ship and the jamming device. Beam it to anvar. ” Spock said. ” It is risky if any part of the plan unrevels the whole thing could fall apart.”the Orion said.

“I am aware of that commander. I also see no other alternative. If we do nothing we may never see the rinsed again. “Spock said. “He has a point. It is better then any other plan.”Dr. Piper said. “It’s your call Ben!”Ryan said. ” Get the preparations. ” Norris said. 

“As security chief I should go.” Gioto said.” Sir. I am the most resourcefull person on the ship. I believe I am most suited to accomplish this mission .” Spock said. ” I have to go. I’m sorry bary but spock is right. He will go!” Norris said. “Very well!”gioto said. “Let’s get this thing in motion!”noris ordered. Everyone agreed. 

The enterprise was not a military ship. It did not have military arsenal. Probes were refitted with the non lethal gas. Once in place the enterprise ran athisgh warp towards the ships. The enterprise fired on the ships. “Mines are deployed.” Ryan said. “Stand by Mr. Spock”noris said.

Transporter room. 

Spock ran to the pad. “Standing by”spock said.kyile stood ready at the controls. On the ship the mines hit the colony ship. Crew and pasingers began to fall to the ground. 

“They are all unconscious!” Ryan said. “Go spock!”Norris said. Kyle activated the controls. Spock in an e.v.A suit was beemed off of the enterprise and on to the ship. Spock was beemed to the bridge. He got right to work. Hetried to locate the jamming device . 

“Sir the colony ship is gone!” Ryan reported. “The other ships are heading right for us.” Mia reported. “Have us beamed to anvar sector.” Norris ordered.the enterprise was fird on. Sudently the enterprise vanished. 



“Captian we are in orbit of anvar prime.” Ryan said. “There is no sign of quter ship.”Mia said.” Mark get a medical team to the colony ship right away.” Norris ordered. ” You got it!” Dr. Piper said. Dr. Piper and nurse chepel left the bridge. “It is over?”Smith asked. ” This chapter is. I don’t think he will try to abduct the rinsed people again. Quter is far form done. He will be determined. Ore dangerous. Now who know how far he will go. No the games not over . It has only just begun. I really fear for when it really starts.”Norris said. 

End of part four. 

Preservers and the preserved part three 

The captain went back into the command center. He tried not to show signs of fatigue. He tried to communicate strength. Even though he was not feeling particularly strong right now. He went into the command center. “What do you got?” The captain asked. ” We have discovered a log within the teleportation system. We have been able to discover where the rinsed have gone. “The security chief said. 

“Why do I think that I am not going to like this? ” The captain said. “Your not . We have traced the teleportation to a large vessel. I believe it was designed as a cargo vessel. The problem is that the ship is near the planet trebious.” The Orion chief said. “Oh no! “Noris said. “What’s trebious?”yeoman Smith asked. ,”It is a planet in the nazaka imperium.” Kalera said. “Did the nazaka abduct these people?” Terasha said.” I am not sure they did. This hardly seams there style. ” Kalera said. 

“I suspect someone is using nazaka space. Trebious in in there outor fronter. It is possible that the nazaka does not know they are hear. ” Norris said. “Who? Why would someone want to abduct a sub species ? It makes no sense.”terasha said.

“Your thinking like a Klingon Terry. This sounds like the preservers.”Norris said.”I thought we filled out the preservers?”Dr. Dahner said. “I do t think this is the work of the preservers. What is this was the work of devotees?”Norris suggested. 

“Your thinking the one true path? ” Ryan asked. “It’s sound like them.”Norris asked.”why abduct people?”Dr. Piper asked.”think of it mark. You revere aliens who subducted minorites group facing danger of extinction or near extinction at least culteraly. They rescured these people. What if the o.t.p wanted to replace the preservers. What if they wanted to become the preservers. Imitation is the best form of art. What if they believe they can become preservers.” Norris suggested.

“These people are not endangered.they are well treated.they are happy .”Elizabeth said. “These people don’t care about such thing. They are not totally rational. They believe in ushering new order by destroying the old order. Anvar prime is a symbol of that old order. If successfully they will do this more often. It will cause dear chaos. With the gateway technology they could be unstoppable. ” Norris said. 

Anvar city.

“You believe that a preserver cult is involved?” The president asked.”yes mr. President. This fully matches there style.”Norris said. “They want to preserve them?”the minister of security asked. “Not quite. They are not nearly as benevolent as those they want to emulate. The one true path is a cult in every definition of the word.they see things the way they want to see it.they want to spread chaos. They believe that the new order will rise from the ashes of the old. A kind of post apocalyptic rissing. ” Norris said. 

“What now ?” The minister of security asked.” We are going to try to retrieve the rinsed. ” Norris said.”in nazaka space?” The prime Minister asked. “We are working on that. ” Norris asked.

Command center 

“Your not serious? You want to teleport the enterprise? Into enemy space?”the Orion chief said.” It would take too long to travel to nazaka space by conventional warp drive. Besides the nazaka don’t like us or any other species that are not them. ” Norris said. “Look captain.with alldue respect I barely understand this technology. Not only do you want me to use it you want any me to transport a starship. My ship. My pride and joy. We have no idea if this is even possible. ” The chief said. 

“We have to do this. We cannot let what could be a huge travisty if it succeeds. Whatever happened it could alter the entire develooment of this culture. We have to act! ” Norris said. ” I need to study this. This is a colossally bad idea. ” Hallak said. ” You have a better on?”Norris asked. “Well no. I know you want to help these people. I know you will be some kind of cosmic super hero. Your a starship captian. Your mortal. You have limitations. So does your ship. This is unknown technology. Your rushing in where angels fear to tread. I implore you to slow down. ” The chief said.

“I would point out that if we are caught by the nazaka,we would be fired on. This would be interpreted as an act of war.”the security chief remarked. “I know that. I have to do this. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. ” Norris said. ” I can’t talk you out of this can I?” ” Hallak asked. “No I can’t. ” The captian said. 

“I object to this in the strongest terms.”the chief said. ” Your objection is noted. It will be in the log. ” The captian said. ” Understood!” The chief said. “Get things in motion. “Norris said. 

Nazaka space

There was a massive colony ship.the ship was designed to transport colonies. The vessel was protected by several combat ships. The ships were all procured from other races. The ships were retired. The ships were retrofitted with advanced weapons. 

Command ship


“Excellentcy! Norris has discovered the gateway. ” His chief henchman breket said. “Very good! “Quter said. “You said he would come. “Durona said. “I knew he would come. He is a smart man well to a point. ” Quter said.”will he really risk coming into hostile space?” Breket asked. “, He will come. His since of duty. His sender of honor will force him to act. Even if is a bad idea and it is. We must prepare. I have so looked froward to this. This is the begining. “Quter said. 

Colony ship. 

“Why are we hear?” A young girl asked. “I don’t know my child.”a vilege elder said. ” I have not seen anyone. ” Qudok said.”someone has to be running this ship. ” A women said. ” This does not appear to be anvar.” Qudok said. ” “No it does not.” The elder said. “Who would want to abduct us?” The female said. “I don’t know. ” The elder said. enterprise 

Conference room. 

 “Your sure that they are near trebious?”admiral komack asked. “Yes sir I am. “Norris said. ” This is a bad idea Ben. This could start a war with the nazaka. Something we want to avoid. The galaxy is still liking it’s sounds form the mass crises. ” The admiral said.”I know that sir. If the rinsed are moved it could have a lot of repecaucutions for the rinsed and the anvar.we don’t know how they will respond to enviormentle differentces. If this succeeds they may try again and again. This could have a huge impact on the galaxy. We have to nip this in the bud now. ! ” The captian said. ” Tread lightly captian. We don’t want an incident. ” The admiral said.”I will sir. ” The captian said. 


“Captian on the bridge !”Smith said. “What did the admiral day?”Mia bolt asked.”he did not tell me not to. He did not give a ringing endorsement. I think he knows something has to be done. ” Norris said.”I fear the damage may have already been done. If they are returned to anvar,it could have already altered there development as a culture. The impact may not be fully known for a generation or two”Liz said. “We have to do something. They are not safe as long as they are in o.t.p custody.after they are free,they can figure the implications of the incident.”Norris said. 

” This is going to happen then?” Dr. Piper asked.”yes it is mark.”the captian said. The crew got ready to leave. The crew was tense. They trusted the captain. They all knew that something was up with him. Norris has acted strangely for a few weeks. They did not know what to do. They did not know how to deal with it. Hopefully it would not become worse. 


“We are ready. The command center is manned by anvar techs. They are ready.” The chief engineer said. “Very good. “Noris said. “They are ready to activate the gateway on your order sir!”the Klingon com tech reported. “Order all decks to standby.”noris said. ” All decks standing bysir!”the female Klingon said. “Take us out of orbit Mia!”the captian ordered. Kirk and bolt took the ship out of orbit.”we are clear sir!”Kirk reported. “Kolona give them the clear message to proceed.” The captian ordered. 

The com officer sent the message. The techs in the command center activated the button. The gateway opened. The enterprise was teleported.the enterprise was taken somewhere else. Within nazaka space the enterprise appeared. 

Quterss vessel

“Sir! I am detecting an energy signal. It is the enterprise!” Durona said. “Very good. I knew he would come. He could not resist! He would come after me. Intercept. “Quter ordered. 


“Captian we are in nazaka space. We are near trebious.”spock asked. ” It worked and we are in one peace.”hallak said. “You doubted this?,”Mia asked. “Well yes.” The Orion said.” I have located a colony ship and several escorts.the escorts match vessels known to be used by the o.t.p. “the security chief reported. ” intercept !” The captian ordered. Mia plotted an intercept course. The enterprise headed to the ships.

Quter ship


“They have plotted an intercept of there own.”durona said. “Very good! I can’t wait to renew our aqaintences captian!”quter said. The enterprise and the other ships neared each other. As soon as the enterprise was in fireing range the enterprise fired.

End of part three.