Category Archives: episode 12

the female crew of the enterprise is placed into decontamination

Detox part 7

“Commadore’s log,sometimes in space,you go from one from one crises to another. The hendrini microbe has been neutralized. Now we are facing another threat ,this time from the romulins. “Wesley said.
Night blade
“We are now in weapons range !”the pilot reported. “Once we are in weapons range order our ships to break in and attack.let’s take those ships out!”the female commander ordered.
The Bird of preys backed off. The vessels went for the cylinders. “They are trying To go for the cylinder!”Tim Mathews reported. “Stay on um!”Wesley ordered.
The enterprise and the other ships tried to block the enemy ships from getting to the quarantine pods. Ryian fired phasers and  photon torpedoes hit the closest rihansu ships.
The Lexington followed suit and hit another ship. The rest of the fleet did the same.
Night blade
“They really care about those cylinders!”the pilot commented.”humans care about every life. They would gladly risk one hundred lives to save one. I don’t get this but it how they do thing’s. It will be there downfall. “The commander declared.
A few minutes before the battle,Addison had returned to the ship. Addison watched the battle from her quarters. She decided she could not sit on the side lines.maybe mark had not cleared her for duty but she was still the captain. She put on her uniform and left the quarters. The door closed behind her.
The enterprise created a wall between the romulsn vessel and the cylinder. The enterprise fired phasers and photon torpedoes at The enemy vessels.
The romulan vessels returned fire on the enterprise. “Shields holding!”dassale said. The federation vessels continued to pound on the enemy ships .
The turbo lift opened,Addison entered Waring the ditty uniform. The crew was surprised to see her. She went over to the command chair. “Get out of my chair Bob!” Addison told the Commodore.
The commadore smiled and got up from the command chair. “Of course Addison! Captain !”he said. Addison smiled and sat down. “Fire a warning schot across the bow of the cylinder!”Addison ordered. “Sir?”dassale asked. “Trust me Vincent! Do it!”she said.
The enterprise fired on the cylinder. The ship intentionally missed the target. “They fired on there own vehicle !”the weapons officer observed. “Its a message from there captain.he is telling us that he is willing to destroy there own craft in order to deny us a victory.”charvineck said.
“You think that they will really do it? This is a bluf it has to be?” tal commented. “Don’t be so sure tall! I am not. These humans are cagy! They are iratic,unpredictable !”the commander said.
The romulan command ship fired on the enterprise. The enterprise hit back on the vessel. The turbo lift opened, sotril and doctor dahner entered the bridge.
The Vulcan female went to the science station. Tim turned around and saw the first officer,science officer and his wife. “I suppose you want your station back?”Tim asked.”in fact I do!”she said. “Very well dear!”he said. He got up. She Sat down.
She scanned the ship and seroundings. “Adison I have an idea!”the Vulcan said. “I am not surprised. What do you got ?”Addison asked.
Sotril informed the captain of her plan. Addison gave the go ahead.the enterprise emitted a pulse that weekoned the enemy shield. The other ships fired with conventional weapons.
The enterprise fired a full voley of phasers on the command ship. The command ship was hit. “We are being hailed!”the com officer. “On screen!”the commander ordered.
“Commander! I don’t give up! I don’t yield. I don’t surrender. I see you as similar. You might be my counterpart in the empire. Know that with the same energy you will use to overpower me,I will use that energy to stop you.” Addison said.
The enterprise and the orther  ships continued to pound the enemy. They used every weapon they had. This was a demonstration by Addison not just of the power but the determination to fight them. The federation ships kept going. They kept firering.
There was a series of exchanges between the two sides.the battle got more and more fierce. The federation fleet started to gain the uper hand.
The commander began to see that this was not the day. She did not have the promise of reinforcements. This would only end badly. “Withdraw!”the commander ordered.
“Commander?”the pilot asked.”do it. Know this star fleet commander,this is not over.we will meet again ! I won’t be as easy to overcome!”the commander declared.
“The vessels are backing off. ” the Vulcan science officer reported. “Do we peruse?”dassale asked.”negative. We need to luck our own wounds besides I think they learned there lesson for now. “Adiison said.
Liz went over to helm officer dassale. “Hello Liz!”dassale Said nervously. “I heard you wanted to leave me behind. ” she asked him. “You heard about that. “He said. “Yes I did “she said .”you have to consider the context . “he said .”I understand !”she Said. Then she walked off.
“Captains log the surgeon general’s office has certified the enterprise and crew clear of the microbe. The enterprise has been certified ready for duty. We are preparing to move out. ”
Qurters of Addison mcomic
Adison and Ryan were in bed. It had been strange between the two sense her memory was erased. They were roommate more them a married couple.
“I am going to sleep in the living room.”Addison said. “Ok!”Ryan said.she got up to leave.”I love you ad!”Ryan said.”yea!”was all she said in response. The door closed.
The end.
This ended a bit on a sad note.I do love happy endings but this is not really the end. Star trek the universe is in many ways a story arc like Babylon five or deep space 9.although unlike b5 I have written the ending yet nor do u know where it us heading although I have a few ideas.I do want to explore anipovnouds Khan and Alison. 50 and 6o’s tv had a story warped up by the end of the hour. Sometimes maker events were ignored in future instalments or even contradicted. Ronald d more Said that every action has consequences. I want to explore those consequences.

Detox part six

Detox chamber
Addison began to wake up. Once she woke up,she immediately started shouting pro Hendriini rhetoric.
“It happened almost instantly. She woke up and tried to take over the ships. She was trapped behind the force field!”the male nurse told McCoy.
“Has it yielded any meaningful information?”Piper said. “It has. I have a few theories on how to stop this thing.”mccoy said.”I hope so. “Piper said.
Dr. McCoy went over to sotril.”commander I was hooping you would look over it. “The doctor said to sotril. “I have nothing else pressing. I will look it over.”she told him.
“Very good!”McCoy said. “Nothing will work commanders .any attempt to thawt us will fail!”Addison said. She was sedated.
She looked it over. “Fascinating! I believe it does have merit. I wish I could do it but given my condition I cannot.I believe you are on the right tract as the expression goes. “She said .
Confrence room.
“Mind meld?”Farris asked. “Yes sir a Vulcan male would try to scan the microbe and find a way to attack it. I believe we can force it out or destroy it!” Dr. McCoy said.
“Mind melds  are extremely taxing . there are a lot of patients ?”Commodore Wesley asked. “It is an iasue. First we need to ascertain if it can work. “Dr. Piper said.
“You can assure me that there will be no alteration with memories?”Farris asked.”yes absolutely sir!”McCoy said . “I had to check. “The bureaucrat told the doctor. “Of course sir. ” the doctor replied.
“There is a Vulcan aboard the Lexington. I can arrange for him to come abored. “Wesley said. “That would be much appreciated sir!”McCoy said. “I will make the arrangements. “Wesley said. “I want good notes taken. I will wish to look them over!”Farris told them.”agreed!”Dr. McCoy said.
A transporter beam emerged in the corridor of the cylinder. The Vulcan man walked over to the doctors.”Dr. McCoy?”the male asked. “Yes I am McCoy! “The man said.
“I am lt. Commander ston. “He said. “Have you been versed on what we need to do?”Dr. McCoy asked. “Yes I have. I am ready when you are. “He said.
The Vulcan officer followed the team to the force field.a secondary field was set up before the orther field was disapated. The man entered.
“Vulcans? You think you can stop us,?”the captain under the influence of the microbe said.he said nothing in response. He took out his hand. She tried to move away. He gained the super hand.
“My mind to your mind! My thoughts to your thoughts ! “The Vulcan said. The Vulcan found himself in another place. He saw memories.he presumed that it was from the commander.
He found a kind of doorway. He went though it. He found a white room. He saw a human. It looked like admiral komack. He believed it might be the microbe.
“You do not belong hear!”ston said.”we are the future. We are beginning to expand.”the “admiral”said. The Vulcan took his hand to the image. The admiral tried to fight back. The Vulcan did not relent. The admiral refused to give up but neither did the officer.
Ston gained the uper hand. He began a mind meld. “I am detecting some movement within the microbes. Whatever he is doing he is on the right track. “Piper said. “Vulcans ! They are efficient but can be dawn annoying at Times.”Dr. McCoy said. Dr. Piper did not say anything. He did chuckle a bit.
The Vulcan continued to attack the microbe. The microbe attacked him. He did not stop. He struck the image with his mind.
“I believe I have found the pulse. “The  nurse said. “Can you generate it?”piper asked. “Yes I can!”the nurse said in response.
The Vulcan held his ground. He telepathically sent the pulse to the creature. The admiral started to shrink. The image exploded.
“The microbe is gone! “The nurse said. “Are you sure there are no traces of the microbe?” piper asked. “The microbe is gone! I can confirm that. ” the nurse said.
Ston ended the link. He woke up. Then Addison woke up. “Addison ! How are you feeling ?”piper said.”better Mark. More like myself.”she told him. “The microbe is gone!”McCoy told her. “Can you beat this thing with all the crew?”Addison said. “Yes we can .”McCoy told her. “Get on it !” Addison ordered. “Yes sir!”they said.
“We can generate the pulse !”a tech said.”Lets get on it! Addison we may be on the verge of resolving the crises!” Mark told her. She smiled.
The medical staf on the container got right to work. They worked to generate the pulse would incompacitate the microbe.
U.s.s enterprise
“Ryan ! Adison has been cleansed of the mucrobe!”lt. Kyile in command said. “Permison to go to the detox chamber?’ryan asked.”permission granted. Go!”Kyle said. “Thank you sir!” he said.
He emerged on the detox cylinder. He went to see Addison. He was going to hug her. She backed away.”I know we are married. I have the knowledge but not the memories. I don’t remember the emotions I felt. “Adison said.
She seemed different. She was colder. “I see! I am glad your ok! You gave me quite a scare. “He told her. “I am glad to have it gone. “She told him.
There relationship was different. She was not his Addison.She was not the Addison he worried him. Would he ever really get her back?
“I should probably get back to the enterprise.”he said. “Of course. “She said. “I love you!”ryan said.”yea “was all she said in response. The door closed.
U.s.s enterprise
“The female crew is mostly cured of the microbes.”Leslie said.”very good. Soon we can get out of hear and hopefully get back to normal !”Wesley said. “Is there such a  thing as normal when it comes to deep space exploration?”gioto asked. The Commodore laughed. “True!” he said.
“Comadore we have incoming! Detecting three vessels.they are romulin vessels . bird of preys. “Tim said.
“Warn them off  Mr.Leslie !”Wesley ordered “sending!”the acting com officer informed him. “They are not responding!” leslie said.”big surprise!” the Commodore said.
“They are heading right for us they are weapons hot”Tim Mathews reported.”red alert! All crew to battle stations! ” the Commodore ordered.
“The cylinders do not have shields or weapons!”Galloway commented.”I know that lt. How many are stil there?”the Commodore asked. “I detect 59 life forms in all stil there?”Tim said. “Dawn it!” Wesley said .
“They are sitting ducks !” dassale said.”I know. ” the Commodore said the romulan vessel got near the federation ship.the starship fired preemptively at the warship.the battle had begun.
To be concluded.
I enjoy having Bob Wesley interact with security chief gioto. In the original series they were both played by bary Russo.
Ston was the Vulcan tpring. Perfered over Spock in “a mock time” he was played by Lawrence lemontahne. Apearently in this time line he joined star fleet.
I considered having Spock or symbol be the one to administer the meld. I am not ready for that. I do want to bring Spock into the “universe” storyline. At some point maybe sybok.

“Detox ” part five

“Medical log,Dr. Mark piper reporting.being a medical officer on a deep space mission is difficult at times. My job is to overse the health and wel being of the crew. Sometimes that means deeling with pathogen I have never even imagined. ”
“As I deal with this microbe,I feel that this is one of those times. While they say it is lonely at the is defiantly lonely at the top of the medical field of the enterprise. ” piper said.
“The only way to save the female crew of the enterprise is to remove her memories of her relationship with her husband. There is no clear evidence that this will yield any result. ”
Detox chamber
“We are almost ready. “Dr. Mcbanga said “ok. “Addison said. She hugged ryian. “Ry! I wrote you some letters. Don’t read them now but when times get tough. Read um ok. Not matter what happens never forget this Addison !”she said.
“I won’t addy!” ryian said. “I love you ry!”she said. “I love you addy!”he said. They kissed.
Then they prepped her for surgery .they wheeled her into a room that they had turned into a surgery room.
Farris and Wesley saw Addison being wheeled into the magshift o.r.”they sent you Bob? I was hoping for Matt Decker?”she said.”I will try to keep your office in one peace!”Wesley said. “Gosh! I am worried!”she said. He laughed.
She was wheeled into the o.r. “alright! Jubulio I want you to monitor her brain and the microbe. Report any change!”McCoy said.”you got it Len!”mcbanga said.”alright let’s do this and God helps us!”piper said.
Addison began to fall asleep. She started to drift. The medical team started to access her memories.
She found self at Starfleet academy.she remembered  was a memory. She walked into a dorm room. She went inside.
She saw ryian.this was the day she met him. She rode him hard that day. Neither one liked the orther for quite a while.
“I have isolated the memory.”Dr. Piper said. “Lets hope this is not for naught!”McCoy said. He gave the order to eraise the memory.
The event went as it had before. Just as she remembered it. Then she saw hum start to vanish.”what’s going on? Intruder alert! ” Addison said. Then he was gone.
“Dr. This is odd! When you removed the memory,the microbes showed clear signs of agitation. “Mcbanga said. “Keep a close eye on it!”Mark said.
They then went to the next menory. “Sir! May I speak freely?”Ryan asked. “Procede!”addison said.”what is your problem with me? I work hard. I stic to business. I have gotten good feedback from faculty and other cadet commanders yet you will never let up!”ryian said.
“I don’t understand why you are hear. Your from privledge although most everyone in the federation are. I have had to earn everything I had. I resent you!”Addison said.
“Look we are eaquil in the eyes of our superiors. We have the same opportunity. You are in a position of leadership in the core of cadets. Why is not room for me to do the same ?”he asked.
“I won’t coddle anyone cadet. “She said.”that is not what I want sir. I want to be treated like any orther cadet. No better but no worse.”Ryian said.
She began to realize that this was a memory. She wondered how that Addison would feel about her future decisions. Would she be surprised or even outraged?  She had no idea.
Sudenly there was a large storm.the storm came at them.she yelled at Ryan. The cloud hit Ryan. It vanished. She yelled. Then she had no idea what had just occured.she had forgotten all about it.
“There it was again. “Mcbanga said “have the computer scan the event. See if the computer can find anything that might help fight it!”Dr. McCoy told him.he agreed.
Then another memory was displayed.”cadet Hendricks.congradulations on your completion of your first year.”Addison said.”thank you sir! I understand you gave me a favorable review ?”Ryan said.”you earned it cadet. I may have been harsh on you. I was sceptical of you but I may have musjudged you.”Addison said.”may have?”he asked.
She started to laugh. It was the first time she has ever laughed at him.he did not think he ever saw her smile. He wondered if she was capable of smiling.
Sudenly she saw the shock wave. She conjured up a . she fired on the. Schock wave.  It was to  avail. The phaser hit the wave but it had no impact. She forgot why she had fired it.
It was during his sophomore was her junior year. She saw him at an unofficial game of capture the flag. There was Ryan. He snapped to attention. “Relax ry we are off duty!”Addison told her. “Of course lt!”Ryan said. “Ry! Call me daddy off duty!”she said. “Very well!”he said.
This time it was not a shock wave. It was like some kind of disintigation. She watched in horror as he vanished.then she forgot why he dissapered or that he had ever was there.
  The next memory Ryan tried to catch up with her.”addy will you be my date at the dance?”Ryan asked. “Realy I thought you hated me?”she asked. “I thought that about you! If this is improper I will withdraw it. “He said. “No i would love to!”she said. “Realy? That’s great!”Ryan said.
Somehow she knew what was coming next. She knew this memory would be destroyed just like the rest. Sure enough the wave took it out just like the orthers.
When she woke up. She was just like the others. She was under the effect of the microbes.
Dr. McCoy and piper looked over the data. After carefull examination they believe that they found the answer.
Confrence room.
“Commissioner I believe we have a counter agent. Your not going to like it. “Dr. Piper said.”what is it”Farris asked. “Alright! What is it ?”the official asked. “The microbe only affects body that are susceptible to suggestion. Those not involved in a romantic relationship. “Piper said.
“If we were to implant memories of romance we could flush out the creatures. ” Dr. McCoy said.
“Wait a minute! Any mind alteration is strictly forbidden under earth law,federation law and intergalactic treaties. “Faris said.
“Can’t we get a waver. This Is an extreme situation!” piper said.”this would be a bad precident. Once this pendoras box is opened it might never be closed. I’m sorry. You will have to come up with another answer. “Farris said.
Romulan vessel
Office of the commander .
“You want to attack the enterprise?”admiral asked. “They  a sitting duck! “She said . “this will be considered an act of war. “Terok said .”the destruction of the flagship of the federation would be a huge morale booster. Do not deny me this chance. “She said.
“I will not authorize it.  Will not stop you.  If  you  fail your on your own!”the admiral said.
End of part five
This is inspired by the movie “sunshine of a  spotless mind”

“Detox” part three.

“Personal log,Addison Jean McCormick.the female crew have all been moved to decon chamber pods. A special medical team assembled by the surgeon General is in place and is beginning the investigation. ”
“Both myself and commander sotril and show no signs of the infestation.we do still Cary the microbes.the other female crew show signs of the infestations.” ensign Davis hurled ephiphets at the crew.
U.s.s enterprise
Lt .ryian Hendricks left the bridge.he headed for the confrence room. He activated the view screen.
He had a complicated relationship with his in-laws. He liked them.they were good people.they loved Addison and there grandkids.sense Addison was adopeted,they were very protective of her.
The day Addison introduced Ryan to her parents and siblings. They were friendly and crodjial.they liked each other.
Ryian got a chance to talk to her step farther in private. “Look your a nice guy Ryan. You would be a fine husband and I think you would be a good farther. I was hoping addy would marry a doctor or lawyer or a political person or orther profession. I was hoping she would be a doctor or lawyer or professional. I am stil hoping that she will stil decide to do that. Perhaps she will get this space thing out of her syistom. “Edward said.
“With all due respect,this space thing is who she is. ” Ryan said. “I understand your view but I disagre with it. “Edward said.
Ryan knew he was about to get reemed out. He took a deep breath and turned on the monitor. The view screen came to life .on the screen was the image of Edward mccomic.
” hello ed ! “Ryan said.”Ryan I understand that Addison was I infected with some kind of microbe ?”he asked.
“Yes sir that is correct. She does not show any syimotom but is infected. She faces the same danger that the others do.”he told him.
“You say this microbe infects female?”Edward asked. “Yes that is correct. The microbe does not affect anyone before puberty. Hanah and Miranda are not affected. “Ryan said.
“Look Ryan the choice of carers for you and Addison is your own. I may disagre with it but it is your decision. I don’t begrudge that. What of sarek and Hannah and Miranda. It is unfair for them. Mayby it is time to settle down or let them live with us ! We could provide a stable environment on earth. “Edward said.
“Look Miranda is being raised by Liz. As for sarek and Hannah I am not having this conversation right now. I understand your concern !”he said.
“Deep space is no place to raise a family Ryan. You will have to make a choice family or the stars! “Edward said. “Let me get though thud crises then we can debate this. “Ryan said .”make sure Addison come back in one peace. She May outrank you but is your duty to protect her. Even at the expense of your own life!”he said.”I know my obligation ed. “He said “I hope you do!”he said.
After the conversation ended he returned to the bridge. The security commander went over to him.”you ok?”giito asked.”it went about as well as I expected. “Ryan said.”I see!”the commander said.
“Permision to resume my duties!”Ryan asked. “Procede!”he said . he retook the navigators post.
  Decon tube.
“Every test we have run indicates that the microbe is naturally occurring. It is generated by an hendrinie. I find no evidence of genetic engineering. “Dr.McCoy said.
“Is it a life form or is it similar to sweet?”piper asked. “I can’t be sure but I am thinking it is closer to the latter!”McCoy response . “it can servive even far away form the mother life form!”piper said. “It would appear so. ” McCoy said.
“Is it a parasite?” Dr. Mcbanga asked. “I find no evidence that it depends on the host to servive. It does not appear to be draining  the life energy of the host. It does render it subverient to the hendriani.” McCoy said
“It Seams off that it would be a naturally accruing phynomina. “Piper said. “”Could it be the hendribi body ajustng to the crises. Mayby the process was altered after the plague. A kind of natural contingency plan?”Mcbangga asked. “That would be the most reasonable hypothesis. “McCoy said.
“Is there any way to remove them?”piper asked. “We tried hyonilin. It has not yielded any result. We tried several agents known to cure chemical weapons or other agents with no results. The entire federation medical establishment is working on this. “McCoy said.
Decon unit
Adison paced around the room. “You do not like confine spaces do you?”the Vulcan asked. “No I don’t. My Elba stay did not help but my clostrophobia goes back a long ways. “Addison said. “I can believe that !”she said.
“Are we going to make it though this one?”Addison asked. “I believe we will. Logic. I have no evidence for my view.I believe it to be sound. “Sotril told her. “You have come a long way!”Addison told her.
Star fleet academy
Addison remembered how she first met the Vulcan named sotril.Addison had applied to the academy and was accepted. Her parents convinced her to go to the university of alpha cinterie. She dropped out and ended up trying to go a bored a freighter. Due to her hospitalization ,her acceptance had to be reexamoned.
“You were previously accepted to the academy but things have changed.  Your erratic behavior and the hospitization that came after it. How do you explain it?”admiral benet asked.
“Sir! With all due respect I believe that there are factors to consider. I do not see my behavior as erotic. I had have an interest In deep space. I went to the university of alpha cinterie on there urging. I did not like it. It was never wanted I really wanted. ” adison explained.
A Vulcan female cadet began to speak. “Star fleet requires a great degre of commitment. I am bot certain thee have that commitment. “Sotril said.
“I believe I have demonstrated a commitment to space exploration.”adison said.
“There are concerns not just cited by your family but also by the staf if the Elba two facility!”captain komack said. “I disagre with that asestment “Addison said.
“I am not sure you have the temperament to be a star fleet officer!”sotril said. “You have definitely come a long way!”adison said.
U.s.s enterprise
Rec room
“You look weary Mark?”Dr. Mcbanga said. “I am! This doctor McCoy. Apart from the incident with Khan,I knew little about him.I did some checking. “Piper said.”oh! What did you find out?”the younger doctor asked.
“He was born and raised in Georgia.he considers himself an old country doctor. He hates transporters.He has a daughter Joanna. His divorce from Diana’s mother has left him a bit bitter. He has been a bit listless. ” piper said.
“How did he get to be a lead doctor on this case? Dr. Mcbanga said. “Rumors is he is ronaticly involved with someone in the surgeon general’s office. There us another rumor he and high comisonor faris go back a ways. ” piper said. “I see. You trust him?”Dr.Mcbanga said. “I think so. We will see. I would perfer to have it settled within the enterprise family. I will make sure the family is protected. “Piper said.
Near natural zone
Romulan space.
Bird of prey honor blade
“I have located the rouge swam.they are using the interference from a pulsar to drawn out the reedings but they are definitely there!” the science officer said. “Your certain of this ?” sub commander tal asked.
“Sir I would not report this unles I was !”the science officer said. “Of course. I did not mean to challenge your thoroughness or your judgement sub commander. “Tal said.
“Thank you sir!”the science officer said. “I will inform the Commander. “Tal said. The science officer was pleased with that.
Commander’s chamber.
“Your certain they are there?”commander liviana charineck asked “I am . the swarm is there.  “Tal said.
” if I inform the field primus,he will take credit for the operation.  “The female commander said. ” we cannot proceed without the swarm. “Tal said. 
“Head for the area. Inform the commanders of the night blade and glory day that the swarm night be near the sharav pulsar. “She told the right hand sub commander.
The first officer knew what the commander was suggesting. “Very well. I will take care of it. ” tal informed her. She dismissed the executive officer. He did the silute and left.
Rougue swarm
Bird of prey
“Sir! The enterprise is near federation space .the reports are that it was infected by some kind if microbe. There has never been s better time!” the centurian said.
“I shal consider it. Return to your station !”the rouge primus said. The centurian did so.
“What off the fleet? They will be closing in on us. We have to take them on before we can deal with the enterprise!” the first officer said .the rouge commander was developing a plan.
End of part three.
Unlike tantilous ,Elba three apeared to  a mental asylum facility not a prison . it was unclear. For the purpose of the universe series ,Elba two will be a mental hospital planet.
It has been Assumed that Dr. McCoy was divorced. It was never mentioned In the series. It was adresed in the 2009 star trek movie set in an alternate universe created by Nero destruction of the Kelvin.
Admiral Richard bennet was the admiral who presided over a review of kirk’s tempering with the kobioshi muru test in star trek 09.he was played by Tyler Perry.
The rank of field prmius is  equivalent of a Commodore. It has never been mentioned in the series. It was depicted In “the final frontier” written by Diane Cary. This is one of my favorite star trek novels.
Commander charvineck is the female commander in “the enterprise incident” during the third season. Her name was never given on air. I believe the charvinack originates with ” the Vulcan heart “by josepha Swartz and Susan May predate that. Vulcan heart is another favorite novel.

“Detox “part 2

“Personal log,Addison mccomic .commitment pods and a hospital ship has arrived to treat those of us infected with a microbe that makes female susceptible to suggestion. While myself and commander sotril do not show outward signs of the microbes we do carry them. We have to be quarantined. ”
“So the transporter won’t filter it out?”Addison asked. “Negative !” we looked into it. The microbes seam to be able to servive even in the bio filter. ” DR. Piper said. “Of course. I figured that they would adapt!”sotril said.
“Are you ready ?”piper said. “Ready as I Will ever be! ” Addison said.the transporter was activated. The two were beemed over to one of the contentment pod.
DR. Elizebeth danner was still under the influence of the microbe.she was definitely not  herself. ” the. Hendrini will prevail against you. They will defeat you!”danner said. Other crewman followed in.  They chanted pro hendrini slogans .
The transporter was activated. The patients were beemed away. They were beemed to a chamber near where Addison and sotril were.
  Addison looked her over at Liz. This was not the  she remembered. She remembered the first time she met her. She was very different then she was on this occasion.
Adison was a different person then she was back then. She was sent to Elba two on a psych evaluation.she tried to fight it but she was overruled.
She was loud and disruptive. She wore a white v neck scrub and sandles.the force field was deactivated . a young women around the same age as Addison.”who are you?” Addison asked. “I am Elizebeth danner. I am an intern. “She said.”did I scare off doc Sherman?” she asked. ” I just arrived I figured I would say hello.the staf hoped that a fresh face could help. “Liz said.
“I am a bit of a lost cause lizzy! “She said. ” why is that?” she asked.”I don’t belong hear. Look my parents my step parents and I had a disagreement. I dropped out of the university of alpha cintetie and signed aboard a freighter.this was the only Way they could think of to stop me. They got a magistrate to agree.” addison said.
“They saw a disturbing paturn. They felt They had to act. ” danner said. “People make carer changes all the time. I wanted a change .”she said. ” you have a bright future ahead! “Liz said. “I still could on a fraghter. Fraghters made the federation !”she said. “True. What’s going on?”Liz asked.
“I love this ,you come in hear. You play the same age card. In reality your trying to get me to oppen up. To have this great epiphany ! I do not belong there. “She said.
“I am just an intern. You don’t have to think of me as a staf psychologist maybe we will become good friends. “Liz said.”don’t count on it!”Addison said.
Addison saw Liz stugiling. “Gues you were right lizzy!”Addison said. Adison hoped this could be resolved quickly.
L.t Palmer had been trying to find a way out of the decon chamber.there did not seam to be any. In most cases this was the last line of defense from an infectious pathogen. “Ready for the next one!”a voice said. “Procede!”piper ordered.
“I do not wish to leave!”plamer said. “You don’t really have a say In this Audrey!”piper said. The beam was activated. “They are studying. They are trying to outrun the beam!”Galloway said. “They have not figure out how to overpower the beam yet!”the doctor said.”I fear they might!”Galloway said.”we will be just as vigilant as they are!”piper said.
Lt. Palmer was lost. She saw an older man in a red uniform.she could tell by his rank that he was a lt. Commander. “Can I help you lt?”goo to asked. “I am looking for q 108. “Palmer asked.
“It is on the orther end of the Hal way!”he said. He offered to take her to it. She was in no position to decline. “You must be lt. Audry Palmer com officer!”goo to said .”are you a security officer?”she asked.she was prety sure that he was the security chief.
“Yes I am. Lt. Commander gioto chief of security. “He said. “So now we are no longer at a disadvantage. It is good to meet you commander!”she said. “And you!”he said.
“I still can’t believe we are hear Mark! Its should not  be this way. They deserve better!”the commander said. “They will get it bary.just give it time !” the doctor said.
Yeoman Smith,Julie Ann and ensign Davis and nurse chapel were the next to be beemed off.
Flash back
“Yeoman Jones!”piper said. “Smith sir!”she said “of course my mistake! Please come in. I just want to do a basic physical. “The doctor said.
He remembered how he met nurse chapel. “I am your head nurse!”she said.”you were a researcher. What changed?”DR. Piper said. “My life goals .I realized that research was no longer what I wanted. I decided to persue medicine instead. ” chapel said. “I am glad your hear. You have come highly recommended. ” he said.”thank you. I will try not to disipoint you!”she told him. “I am not too worried!”she said.
“I checked and rechecked. I consulted with DR. Piper and DR. McCoy ,Hannah is not infected nor is Miranda.we suspect that the those before purity are not susceptible to it. “Dr. Mcbanga said. “That is sutch a relief!”lt. Ryian Hendricks said. “We made sure of it!”the doctor said .”that is something. I just want Addison to be ok. I want everyone in the crew to be ok. “Ryian said.’ Star fleet has some of the best minds in the federation working on this. They will figure it out!”mcbanga said. “I hope so!”he said.
“You read the security briefing?”giito asked.”I did. “Lt. Galloway said.”I usually dissect this over coffee. Now that I am defacto captain I don’t have the time . give me a quick summery!” the acting captain ordered. “The Romulins seam to be scrambling. Rumors are that one of there swarms have gone rougue. Nothing confirmed. There are reports that the anipovnoids have increased there presence in non aligned and lower tech but still warp capable planets. They are giving overtures to either powers that don’t like us. ” he said.
“More fun !”the security officer turned captain said.
“There was an explosion in a remote syistom. Reports are a probe of some kind was near by. It might be a rumor.that’s about it!”Galloway said.
“Incoming massage. It is for lt. is from Edward mccomic!”Leslie reported.”you can take it in the conference room!”the acting captain said. “Do I have to ?”ry said.
He knew it would not be complimentary . he understood where his. Farther in law would be coming from.
End of part t


Previously on star trek the universe.
Captain Addison mccomic was orphaned at a young age. She was raised by an adopted family. She believed her birth parent’s had been killed. She discovered she has a sister that was seven years old. Her parents may stil be alive.
DR. Elizebeth danner is a psychologist.s he treated a younger Addison mccomic when she was treated at a mental hospital. Danner is now the enterprise’s psychiatrist.she has had bizare premubutions about her terming on the crew and then drying .
Lt. Ryian Henderson is the ships navigator. He is the husband of the captain and farther of her children. Star fleet was reluctant to have him serve on the same ship especially when he would be under her. She insisted on it.
The enterprise answered a distress call from escape poses. The crew claimed that aliens pretended to be. Peace envoys.they seduced the female who turned against the crew.
The enterprise was affected. Adiison and sotril appeared to be immune from the affects. They did carry microbes that were somehow telepathically implanted.  The female crew had to be quarantined.
And now tonight’s episode
Edge of federation space
A hospital ship was In place. The vessel was set up like most federation was mostly one huge sickbay and had the most nesesicary ship’s functions.
U.s.s Regina Benjamin
Mercy class hospital vessel.
“Captain we have incoming. Contanment units 237,238 and 239 are arriving !” the science officer reported .”have them take holding positions and hold position!”captain Donald ramert ordered.”sending message sir!”the com officer said.
“Is it as bad as u heard ?”DR. Leonard McCoy asked .” from the reports from the enterprise yes. It is that bad.we won’t know until they arrive. I assured komack that the enterprise would not set nicelle into federation space until the medical threat was neutralized. He does not want an outbreak. ” ramart said. “Nor do I captain . “McCoy said.
“The containment vessels are In place captain !” the com officer said. “I am surprised they asked me to come out hear.I have dealt with diseases In my time but I am a general physision not an imonologest. I am not an expert In viruses or microbes. ” McCoy said.
“Both Star fleet medical and the surgeon general felt that this would require the expertise of general practionor . this is no ordinary virus If it is a virus. You are a Jack of all trades. That is what we need In a situation like this!” ramart said.
“Incoming warp signature captain. It is the enterprise. “The com officer said. “Get them on the com pic. I want to speak to them personally before we procede any further. “The captain suggested.
“I have no objections to that !”DR. McCoy said. ” they are responding sir!” the com officer said. “On screen!”the Captain said. The com officer transfered the message to the Maine view screen.
“This is captain ramart I have DR. Leonard McCoy who is heading up this operation at the behhest of the surgeon general. ” the captain said.
“This is lt. Commander Barry gioto temporily in command of the enterprise .”he said .”please tell me that you have followed protical to the letter!”McCoy said.
“You don’t know me too well doctor. I am very rigid when it comes to those kind of things. “The security chief in command said . “glad to hear it. Take position then stand by. Lets get this done!”McCoy said. “Agreed!” the secuuty commander said.
“Ryan take us to the pre arranged course. Vincent engage!”the acting captain ordered. Ryian plotted the course and dasale activated the course the enterprise headed to the agreed on area.
U.s.s Regina Benjamin
“Enterprise is in place !”the science officer reported. “Ok let’s get this over with !” the captain said .
U.s.s enterprise
Decontamination chamber
Captain adison mccomic was Waring the blue sickbay isue hospital gowns. She was with sotril.she was going out if her mind. She paced around the small room.
“You should sit down for a while!”the Vulcan said .”I can’t sit still.there is just no way. Pacing helps me not be stressed. “Adison said .
The door opened.”everything is ready. They want to start beaming all of the patients to the decon units. “Dr. Piper said.”very well! Proceed!”Addison said.
End of part one.
Captain ramart appeared in the t.o.s episode “Charlie x”.in that episode,he commanded the s.s antares. The vessel was a scout ship.
DR. McCoy was depicted previously In the star trek the universe story Involving Khan. In that story he served on the merchant ship begle.